Chapter Two

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Ms.Lawrence started to read of the dorms and colors in alphabetical order.
Dorm one- Lisa Paulo: color Lime Green
Dorm one- Elsa Willow: color Violet
Dorm one- Hermione Ranger: color Yellow
Ms.Lawrence started on Dorm two.
Dorm two- Elisa Allicon: color Aqua
Dorm two- Imogen Priest: color Orange
Dorm two- Sierra Gheller: color Light Pink
Ms.Lawrence started to read dorm 3
Dorm 3- Eva Montgomery: color Red
Dorm 3- Rachel Somia: color Blue
Dorm 3- Indi Sullavin: color Forest Green
"Ok girls. Head up to your dorms and get settled. You will have an hour then your dorm Head will bring you down to the Café

Sorry for such a short chapter.

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