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Hey guys I know ive been gone for a while but I have three reasons why
1.School-school work comes first cause I want to make good grades and I have HW everynight, quiz every other day, and a test every week (and this is not emphasized Im being so serious) being a sophomore is so much harder than I thought

2.Writers Block-My brain has been so empty with this story I just have no idea what to go from where I am

3.New Story- So do yall remember that other story I was tellin yall about? Well I have been working on that with my co-writer and the first chapter is finally up so if you miss my writing then go read that its a 5H/1D fanfic its called Those Five Girls and its on another account called 5HarmLuvers so go show that account and story love and imma make a compromise with yall if it gets 150 reads and 10 votes by tomorrow night yall will get an update of this sooner but if it dont you will have to wait longer so go check that out and the account. Bye hope you like the new story

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