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200 Years Ago

The boat rocks back and forth on the dark waters, swaying to the rhythm of an unheard song. A lone figure, on the deck, staring up at the sky. The mysterious man is cloaked in darkness, but for the glint of starlight on the hook in place of his left hand. His head is tilted up to the skies, his bright blue eyes gazing into the stars so intently, soaking up their light.

The stars. Crystals in the liquid-black sky of night, watching, and reflecting back the lives of humans we never even knew existed. Stars, serving as a guide to many lost souls. But there is one star, glinting in the Enchanted Forest night, that the captain prays to tonight.

This star happens to be the Crystal Star. Glowing as the eye of the Cygnus constellation, it has served to guide many a sailor through a dark, treacherous night. The pirate, standing alone on his ship, whispers under his breath, longing for someone lost.

"Milah, can you hear me? Milah...never for a day have I stopped fighting for you. Never will I love another. Please, come back to me. I love you..." He murmurs.

The pirate lingers on the deck for a few minutes before retreating down to the cabin. As he descends the stairs, he looks back to the waters one more time. In the distance, he can distinguish a darker shape from the night, but he pays it little heed. He figures it is a rock, something of little importance. Or maybe, perhaps, another ship. Just two ships passing in the night.


Aboard the other ship, there stands another captain, this time female. She is standing on the crow's nest atop the mast, looking out into the velvety black of the night at sea. She, too, sees another shape in the distance, but she neglects to realize its importance. Instead, the female captain descends from the mast, her white-blonde hair glowing in the moonlight, and turns away from the waters.

Had the two of them waited a few moments longer, the pirate would have realized that Cygnus had, in fact, been paying attention. Cygnus had brought down the Crystal Star from the sky, but Killian had been too blind to see the light of love. The two of them were, indeed, two ships passing in the night. And for all they knew, they were never to set eyes upon each other again. Maybe it was for the best.

But the pirate could never stop wondering what would have happened if he'd gone after that strange shape in the starlight. Like the ghost of Milah, he knew it would haunt him forever.

A/N: Hey everyone! So, I know that is pretty much the shortest chapter ever, but don't worry, because it's just the prologue. Assuming everyone likes the story, the chapters will definitiely be getting longer! I hope you all like it. Comment opinions or feedback or just random things, because I love to know what you guys think.


The Crystal Star//OUAT FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora