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Dipper's head snapped around as he quickly recognized that unmistakeable laugh. He wasn't deceived as he looked up. Great. He should have known.

Messing with fire, as Grunkle Stan would've said. What if he and his sister had just gotten bored one day and decided to goof around? In the forest? With Dipper's journal...? Okay, now he was starting to see the flaws with their plan.

"Well, well, well!"

Dipper was snapped out of his thoughts as the voice echoed and the scenery turned grayscale. Mabel hugged him and whimpered. Dipper hugged her back, not feeling nearly as brave as he should be. The trees around them froze, even though a wind was whipping Mabel and Dipper's hair across their face. Dipper took a shaky breath, it rattled in his chest and he felt sick to his stomach as he looked around at their limited options.

If Mabel was showing signs of being scared at all before, she definitely wasn't anymore as she glared up into the sky, hate flickering in her eyes. She let go of Dipper and balled her fists at her sides, stomping her foot.

Dipper felt a small flame of reassurance and hope as he saw that Mabel's spunk hadn't gone anywhere. He looked up, trying to look as menacing as he could manage. Which wasn't much. But it was still better than cowering behind grey tree trunks.

A heat hit the twins' face and they shielded their faces as a malevolent laugh sounded once more. Black bricks came seemingly out of nowhere and pieced themselves together to form a dark triangle. It blinked once and glanced down at the siblings, who were helpless against the triangles' power. He laughed again, floating closer to them and stretched, turning yellow, a bright glow emitting off him.

Mabel glared at it, but made no effort to try to interrogate him. The isosceles beast noticed this and shot her a thumbs-up. Dipper scowled, beginning to feel outraged at this demon.

The young girl growled quietly and Dipper noticed she was close enough to jump successfully on the dream demon. The feisty female suddenly lunged for it, but Dipper was faster, and quickly grabbed her. He shot her a look and she bowed her head, somewhat ashamed she thought she could take him on.

"Haha! I like your attitude, kid!" The triangle laughed.

"Bill," Dipper hissed. "What do you want?"

Bill looked at them, mock surprise. "Me? What do I want? Wow. That's the first time anyone's ever- Wait, never mind. No it isn't!" He chirped, his voice becoming annoying. "I think what you meant to say was, what do YOU want?"

Mabel sucked in breath quickly and thought back to the afternoon she had spent with her sibling in the woods.

Bill pretty much read her thoughts. "Oh..." He said in a sympathetic voice. "Regretting things, now, aren't we?"

Dipper's gaze was locked on his shoes, not wanting to have to remember. Mabel took a step closer to her brother and brushed up against him, comfortingly. Dipper managed a small grin, but it was replaced by a frown as he recalled the grim events of earlier that day.

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