Subject #001

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Hopefully it isn't that bad. I don't care how twisted it may seem though, because the more twisted and detailed it is, the better. :D yes, that may sound fucked up but.. Oh well. I like it this way and I find this type of stuff to be the most entertaining to write. So hopefully you, the readers, enjoy it as well. ^_^ leave comments, please. Both good and bad. Enjoy!

Oh, and this was written at 2:30 am, so I apologize if there are any mistakes. I didn't really edit either. :P like usual.

She gave a blood-chilling scream as she looked behind her to see a mutilated corpse shambling behind after her. She dodged through the thick fog as it seemed to grow tendrils, grabbing at her from every possible direction. Latching onto her legs, the fog transformed into a mystical being of some sort. The creature purely made of fog laughed menacingly as she struggled endlessly to break free.

She was raised into the air and after stopping three feet in between the ground and her head, the fog entity wrapped a wispy tendril around her throat, strangling her slowly while changing which way she was being held. It forced her to watch ahead as the maimed, rotting corpse staggered ever so slowly closer and closer to her. She tried moving, but she had lost energy by now. The entity was crushing her throat even more now, so she couldn't breathe. The creature finally got close enough for her to see everything clearly.

It was about six feet in height, but would be taller if its right leg hadn't been twisted greatly to the right and bent at an obscure angle at the knee. Its right shoulder also seemed to be dislocated, and it was nothing but skin and bones minus a few thin, translucent patches of skin that dangled from the occasional bone. Its clothes hung in tatters, but was enough to cover its midsection and thighs. It had a few, dark, thread-like strands of hair left on its skull. Although the left side of its skull was smashed in, the pieces still residing in the hallow body part. The skull had the most skin left. The bone still had a few charred sections from when the person's face had been melted off when they were still alive. The right side of its face drooped greatly, the lips/skin hung past the chin and covered half of the neck. The bone around the bottom of the socket was clearly visible, so was the eye, and the pupil was now clear. The eye was simply a white orb constantly moving inside of its socket. The left side of its entire face was missing, and its left eye was hanging out if its socket, dangling and swaying slightly. A few teeth were starting to rot, and others were replaced with sharp, pointy shards of glass, steel, and anything else strong enough to cut or rip into the strongest and thickest of coverings.

Its bony fingers reached up slowly to touch her abdomen. It scraped them against her stomach until it reached her belly button. It splayed its fingers out ever so slowly and then before she could realize what was happening, it easily slid its fingers inside her stomach as a knife does warm butter. She stared down in horror as crimson leaked from the five puncture holes the abomination had created. It slowly twisted its hand in a three hundred and sixty degree rotation, gripping whatever internal organs it came in contact with. Once a perfect circle had been formed he whipped his arm back, guts and blood emptying her body. She stared in shock as she watched her intestines, stomach, everything empty out onto the ground before her. She looked up one last time and the skeleton's eye socket glowed red and opened its jaw, cackling at her. Her vision began to grow blurry, but she hadn't died quite yet.

The skeleton walked up to her and unhinged its jaw in ways that only belonged in a nightmare. It closed them after placing her shoulder in between. Without any effort at all, its teeth bit through flesh and bone, maiming her. It tossed her arm on the pile of entrails emptied from her, and her vision blacked out all together. Her body died, but her spirit lived. She floated next to the scene, staring as the skeleton stared into her emptied stomach region. With lightening speed, it shot over to her body, biting, ripping, and mutilating her body. When it was done desecrating her remains, it shambled off into the distant fog, and the entity had dispersed long ago when there wasn't enough of a body to keep holding onto. Clothing in shreds, teeth scattered, bones splayed everywhere in broken shards, eyes hanging from a nearby tree, and blood soaking into the earth. Soon, the entity came back and grabbed the mold of what was left of her body. It took her entails and tied it to the lone tree at the top of the hill like a rope for a swing. It took her skin, and tied it onto her entrails, and watched in satisfaction as it billowed in the wind like a flag in a castle. It dispersed once more, and she stared in sorrow at what remained of her body. The scene before her horrified her, and she could only think of what would happen to their next victim.

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