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❝I'm sorry.❞

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Mary Winchester (Campbell) is the one who started it all. She was the hunter in the beginning, not John. Her family was the lethal one to the other hunters. The Campbell's, not the Winchester's. She was the one who made the deal with Azazel. And that deal was the reason Sam had those psychic powers, and from them on.

Of course, she didn't know what the deal was, or what it would lead back to. She made the deal for the same reason John and Dean made their deals, for the love of their family.

I've been re-watching Supernatural season one, and it hit me hard when Mary said, "I'm sorry," to Sam. She realized that she closed the door for Sam to ever have a normal life when she made that deal. One thing I do admire about Mary though, she accepted the responsibility, and she apologized for that.

She is definitely one of the most important character aside from Sam and Dean. I'm not saying I blame her for everything, how could anyone? I just admire this woman so much, though she is fictional. She loved her family so much, and she died for them.

That episode broke my heart so much, the one where Sam and Dean go back in time. She came face to face with her sons, who lived a life she never wanted them to have. Because she knew what kind of hurt that brought on, and she didn't want that for them. But, sadly, it seems that is the curse of the Winchester's, they never get what they want, they get thrown things that they're forced to handle ‒ they're expected to be able to handle it.

kensie (narcissyblack )
yeah, i'm posting more because i can't contain my feels.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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