Dani, please talk to me.

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Lauren's pov.

  I first noticed that Dani wasn't home at around 3:30, I know, 3 hours late, I'm an awful sister, I was busy getting ready for tour that I didn't see my sister leave, I called her name about 3 times, then began to get worried. I called the girls down and asked if they'd seen her, they all said 'no', I panicked, then it hit me, Dani cries herself to sleep every night, I can hear her above me, it breaks my heart to hear my baby girl cry like that. My spice is my best friend and baby sister. I checked on mine and her Twitter. I saw the hate that people would send to her, the awful usernames made to hate on her, it hit me, Dani, is getting bullied  I felt...blind, how did I not notice my baby girl get so hurt and wounded? She's my sister and my best friend, it's my job to be that big sister bear who'd protect her baby sister from all harms way. I texted her, I got her reply quick which calmed my heart rate; but I knew she was still upset. She asked if we thought she was.. Weak, of course we don't think she is weak! She's possibly the strongest person yet, I begged her to come home and finally, she did. Once she got home, I couldn't help myself, I ran over to her, hoping she was not harmed or hurt

"Dani, are you ok?" I asked her, she nodded

"I'm fine, I'm home now, no need to worry" she said. She looked at my sisters.

"Dani; we want you to know we love you" Amy said, Dani nodded

"Do you want food? Cake?" Katherine asked, Dani shook her head

"Nah, I'm fine, honest, I'm heading up to bed. Goodnight"'she said, before anyone else could argue, Dani was up the stairs. I followed her as opened her room door, she laid in her bed fast asleep already. This poor girl of mine, she's broken and I can't fix it. I want to fix my sister and make sure she's no longer broken, starting with finding out who's behind the hate...

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