DeviantART 100 Themes Challenge

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1. Introduction

For him, introductions are hard.

He stumbles over his words and nothing he says comes out correctly. He mumbles and people give up on any hope of a decent conversation with him almost immediately.

He dreads and avoids introductions.

For her, introductions are simple.

She always knows the right thing to say and when to say it. She considers it a gift, one she is lucky to have. She speaks clearly, and people love her within seconds, already in a deep conversation with her.

It is no surprise to any of their mutual friends as to how their introduction goes. She points him out at a crowded party. "Who is he?" she questions, pointing him out.

Her friend replies, "Tyler."

Dragging her friend along, she makes her way over to him.

She smiles charmingly and introduces herself as Marie.

He mumbles, and she finds a witty comment that causes him to speak up. They laugh and enjoy each other's company.

The introduction is past.

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