Chapter 1

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-1st Dimension- (???)

"OKAY SO WHAT IF WE EXIST IN A HETALIA DIMENSION AND- AND- AND THEY EXIST HERE. BUT NO ONE KNOWS BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT COUNTRY PERSONIFICATIONS or something like that?!?!", I yelled at my friend as she deadpanned at my enthusiastic and childish imagination. "I admit that would be pretty awesome, but realistically we all know thats just stupid", Anneke replied, being the most stern and the scariest out of our little circle of friends. she had come over for the night to play video games and go to the movies. "I said what if though..." "Dude... it's almost 2 in the morning we need to get some sleep if we're going to get ready for the convention in time tomorrow", and with that said we got settled into our covers and i switched off the lamp. "Do you think fairies are real?" "Tiff. Go to sleep." "Okay.. night"

-??? POV-

'Oh look at these two... even after being seperated for over a year, they manage to still be best friends... at least they think that they have only known each other for three years... I believe it is time I should allow them to meet their true 'family'; it would be a pleasant surprise for all'

-3rd POV-

As a this mystery figure worked their magic, a light blue glow enveloped the two sleeping girls, soon enough the glow turned brighter and brighter, till the two were no longer visible; when the glow dissapeared, no trace of the two girls were visible. What would their parents think? Would their parents know what had happened? Or would their parents assemble a search party and find things that supposedly didn't exist?

-Hetalia Dimension-

As everyone gathered around a table set in memory of the two girls, Alfred stared at the two pictures of the girls, remembering all of the memories that he shared with them. "They didn't deserve such a horrible and early death", he whispered as he clutched a 'baby Alfred' that Tiffany had sown him along with a drawing of a dragon that he had found in Anneke's room, "Why couldn't it have been one of us...?" Arthur put a hand on Alfred's shoulder, "You know how they are. They would have rather it been this way". Slowly, one by one, the crowd started to shrink. They were so cheerful and witty, how could something so terrible ever happen to them?

-Flashback from Alfred's POV to the day of the deaths-

Arthur, Francis, Mattie, and I had decided to take Anneke and Tiffany to the main part of one of the towns that were close to us. They love to walk around and go window shopping, but since it was around time for their birthday's us four had one of the custom jewlery shops make them necklaces that had lockets with their initials on the front with their picture on the inside. We had stopped at a candy shop and got some ice cream, and were going to surprise them and get their necklaces after. After the girls had gotten their ice creams they were going to go on ahead, and there shouldn't have been any danger since the town was nearly deserted for the summer because all of its residents were students for the massive university that it was famous for. But as they were half way across the street there was the loud screeches of tires the rest of us ran outside just to see the car speeding off with Anneke and Tiffany laying on the ground. Soon the paramedics were there. They were announced DOA.... We alerted everone else as soon as we could. Most were shaken or started crying immedietly.. even the ones that barely show any sort of emotion.

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