5 times Clint was acting weird and the 1 time they find out he was abused

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Clint centric, general WUMP about Clint's childhood abuse and how it affects him day to day.

The mission was simple. Get in, kill the target, get out. Clint knew that, as did the avengers but when Clint returned shaken and refusing to open his bedroom door, everyone was worried. Bruce was the first one to notice but Natasha was the first to react. Clint stayed in his room for three days sneaking food in from the vents connected to the kitchen. When he finally came out he acted like nothing happened and nothing was wrong when everyone knew that something happened on the mission that Clint refused to speak about and though nobody wanted to intrude everyone was curious. nobody questioned him that time.
nobody knew why they picked that particular movie but Tony ended up watching it with Steve and Thor for their catch up with movies like E.T and such. the movie started out ok but once the abuse scene came up Clint got up and walked away, an hour later he came back down but Tony noticed his eyes didn't hold the same spark it usually did.
Steve suffered from PTSD and everyone knew it too. when the avengers found PTSD pamphlets on the floor of the common room everyone assumed it was Steve though when Steve denied it everyone was confused before Clint grabbed the pamphlets and left without a word. Steve watched in a slight amazement as he left.
when a new shield agent appears on the scene nobody is precisely shocked but when fury mentions that she was abused Clint seems to take a slight interest in the girl who he spends more and more time with. when the avengers take notice and question, Clint gives no answer no matter how many people ask and ask again.
a game of truth or dare wouldn't usually be scary but Clint found it terrifying. anybody could ask the wrong or right question and Clint's secrets would be out in the open and Clint didn't want that, not at all. Clint ignored all the other questions before he heard his name being called and the dreaded question asked but in his mind "what are the odds?" and he answers "truth". Tony smirks and asks "do you have a big secret?", Clint immediately picks up the fact that tony didn't ask what the secret was, only IF he had a secret which gives Clint an advantage as he answers only "yes" without further elaboration and when probed he only asks the next victim.
the second fury called them in to interrogate someone the avengers knew that something was desperately wrong. fury led the avengers to a room with a guy sitting alone at a table when fury shoved Clint in "I know you are probably the one who's gonna be the most emotionally involved but I hope you're going to be the one to judge the best" fury clarifies as Clint watches him confused, once fury classifies Clint nods and steps into the interrogation room oblivious to the fact that the avengers were watching from a room with the cameras connected. The first while was boring and had no breakthroughs as the man was trying to stay quiet, that is until Clint reads the file through at one point needing to close his eyes and breath deeply to remain calm. Once Clint closed the file he looked into the man's eyes and asked one question "did you abuse the girls you slave traded with?" murder shining in his eyes and the man smirks, yellow teeth showing beneath his grey moustache and dark eyes glowing with malice and a hint of pride "yes, I did, what has it got to do with you?" he asks, his beer belly puffing up beneath the table. Needless to say, it took 4 of fury's agents to drag Clint away from the already bruised and bloodied body hanging to life on a thread. Fury mainly just sighed and shook his head in dismay "should've expected that" he mumbles as he writes down some notes on his notepad. The avengers though are shocked and vow to find out what set Clint off, well mainly Natasha and tony vowed and the others are left almost feeling sorry for Clint as the 2 discuss plans. later that night when the team are having an oddly quiet dinner Natasha drops a bomb, not a real one but it might as well l have been "so why'd you freak out so much with the dude? I haven't seen you that mad since you recovered from Loki" and Clint freezes. he glares lightly at tony before grabbing a dart heading his way "I'll tell someone when I feel comfortable and not when tony hits me with a dart filed with, wait this is just lemon juice..."Clint trails off as tony and Natasha high five "good old numbing drugs in the food should make him dazed enough to tell us all we need to know as well as heal or numb his injury to the thigh" tony explains. Clint narrows his eyes but there's no intent in them "fine what do you want?" Clint asks and tony fist bumps the air "why'd you attack that dude after asking him if he's abused his slaves?" tony repeats "you could ask me anything, including anything embarrassing or about Tasha and I" Clint reminds but Natasha sees the technique and shakes her head "we want to know Clint" that's all she says and Clint sighs "fine, I was abused as a kid ok, is that what you wanted to know?" he asks, sounding almost defeated at the admission. Clint didn't want to give them more of a reason to kick him off the team, he's already deaf, human and traumatized by Loki, they didn't need to know about his past too but now it was all out on the table for all of them to see, well not ALL of it but still. Clint didn't like that, not at all. The team watched in sour spirits as their friend lowered his head into his hands and took deep breaths. They didn't know how to respond to that, yes all the avengers had troubles growing up but they all thought that Clint was an angel and had no problems besides his anti-social behaviour and now learning that he had as much problems as all of them, it was a shock to all but Natasha who was putting the pieces together "so you have PTSD because of an abusive childhood, why'd you never talk to us?" she asks and the team looks confused before Clint nods. Clint sighs and starts to explain " I don't like talking about my past, it causes flashbacks to all the people who beat me, left me for dead and the people I killed" he says and Steve nods in understanding "enough mushy mushy stuff for now, I need a drink" Clint mutters and grabs Tony's drink from his hand, Tony expressing his outrage by pouring himself another drink.

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