I Want Him Back... - Part 10

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[Heya guys! Okay, so here's the shout outs! I looked at my stories today and I have TWO HUNDRED READS on a couple of them! I'm THIIIS happy and more. Plus, I want to recommend my friend NougamiNeuro11's story. It. Is. AWESOME. Seriously, read it. And thanks to all the people who fanned me, I'm glad you think my story's that good ^_^!! Much love to all those people who commented and keep them coming!]

It's okay, it's going to be fine. Nothing to worry about, it's just Emma...

Belinda kept reassuring herself like this, trying to distract herself by reading that diary she had found. It was fairly dull now that she was over her initial curiosity. Whoever the girl was seemed clueless and airheaded, and all the diary did now was make Belinda miss her own. But it definitely distracted her from the increasing tension that was building in the pit of her stomach. And the compulsion to read it was maintaining, despite the boring contents of it.

Lunch time arrived and Belinda felt like she was going to be sick. Not only was she nervous as hell, but the way the tension inside of her had suddenly snapped, she was sure it was going to happen now. And the images from earlier were etched onto her brain, almost taunting her. Let's just get it over with, she thought with an outward sigh. And perked instantly when she saw Jack at their table.

"Hey," she called, his smile enticing one from her. It was always like this with Jack and Belinda sincerely hoped it always would be. She loved the way they just - clicked. "So how's your day going?"

"Feh, same as usual. Did you know that Mrs. Harper has this really big mole-"

"Belinda, can I have a word?" Emma interrupted Jack, her voice, which was usually light and tinkling, hard and ugly. She said it low enough that not even Jack heard her. Of course not, Belinda thought grudgingly. She wouldn't want to lose face, not again. "If you're not majorly busy that is."

"I don't know Emma," Belinda said, her tone mocking. She would not give her the satisfaction of knowing how nervous she was. "I was just catching up with Jack here, seeing as we don't have any classes together."

"Well, it'll only take a second," Emma said sweetly, the threatening tone dropped for now. "I mean, I'm sure Jack could spare you for a second, couldn't you Jack?" She turned to him imploringly.

"Uh, it's up to Bel really," Jack murmured, obviously not wanting to be the start of a fight. Even if he didn't have the weird connection with Belinda he would have seen how much the two girls disliked one another. "But I-"

"You know what Jack?" Belinda interrupted. "You're right, it is my choice. And I think you should just leave me alone Emma. It's not like I did anything to you. I'm not the one who spreads rumours about people, am I?"

Emma was seething. Belinda amused herself by watching the different colours Emma could turn. At least, she tried to find it amusing but the way Emma was practically growling made her uncomfortable - to say the least! She physically made herself hold still instead of flinching as Emma reached forward to brush something off of the table. And then Emma began stomping on a black smudge, on the floor.

Déjà vu swept over Belinda, cold and clear. She had a split second's memory before Emma picked up the thing and flung it at her. The moment of hesitation that might have been vanished and Belinda ducked instinctively. The object flew over her head and struck Jack who flinched back, eyeing the black thing with distaste. She could almost hear Emma cursing her for ducking but she didn't care.

"Hey, what the hell is that thing?" Jack asked, gingerly poking it. He poked it a little harder and it flopped off of the table, making a soft 'whump' as it hit the floor. Belinda looked around, surprised that she could hear such a quiet sound, to find everybody watching their table. She looked up at Emma before bending deliberately to pick up the thing.

"Oh my god," somebody shrieked. Belinda had to assume it was a girl. "It's a spider! Oh my god, it's huge! Eww, put it down Belinda! What if it bites you?"

"I wouldn't worry about that," Jack said drily, glancing at whoever was talking before looking at the spider again. Belinda felt a giggle bubbling to the surface of her calm. "It's definitely dead. You saw Emma going crazy and stomping on it. Before she threw it at Bel," he added, the accusation in his voice not quite hidden.

"I-it was a joke, Jack! God, anyone can see it's -"

"It's rubber," Belinda giggled, stretching it's tiny legs before dropping it on her lap. "God, Emma, immature much? How long were you setting that up for?"

Emma went a deep scarlet, her trademark sneer wiped from her face. She looked worse than embarrassed, as though Belinda had just ripped a limb from her. It occurred to Belinda then that that was all Emma was - a pretty face who had a standing to keep. But Belinda felt no kindness for her, no shred of sympathy. She had been Belinda's tormentor for too long now for her to gain support from her. Belinda may be a good person but she wasn't that good.

Jack laughed with her, although to his credit he was trying not to. He was chivalrous, a trait lost in most people now. And it made Belinda feel better about laughing: if Jack couldn't keep it in, nobody could be expected to. It was something of a novelty, walking through the school halls and seeing people smile at her. But the glow soon faded as Belinda's teeth worried her bottom lip

It's not like it matters, a darker part of her whispered. So you knew something was going to happen. So what? It's not like you did anything dangerous with it. And she deserved humiliation. Remember what she did to you? Like they say - karma's a bitch. The voice did nothing to ease the gnawing fear in the pit of her stomach. It was almost as bad as the tension, distracting her and aching.

She was silent as she rode on the back of Jack's bicycle today, thoughts swirling like clouds in a tornado. Was there something going on? Was something inside of her changing? She'd never had prophetic dreams before, barely ever got bad feelings about things that often went wrong! Hell, she'd had no warning with Andrew, had she?

Ah, yes, but maybe - just maybe - it's not you having these dreams, these visions, part of her thought again. Maybe someone else is having them and you're just picking up on them. The thoughts ran on and on, consuming enough that she didn't realise that she was outside Maggie's school. It took Jack shaking her shoulder combined with almost falling off of the bicycle to rouse her from her thoughts.

"Oh, thanks again Jack," Belinda said absently as Maggie approached them. Jack shook his head, smiling, before waving goodbye to Maggie and going home. Belinda half watched him go as her mind carried on whirring. Maggie looked confused but Belinda paid it no mind. If Maggie really wanted to know, she would ask and if Belinda felt like telling her anyway, she would. It was wonderful to just walk, the silence between them friendly instead of awkward.

"Belinda, what's up?" Maggie ventured eventually, only a couple of streets from her own. "Something happen at school?"

"Yeah," Belinda began before thinking about it. Maggie might know where the vision had come from, might know how to interpret it. "Hey, Mags, have you ever...I had this weird vision today, in class..."

Belinda launched into the full story, recounting it as Maggie listened patiently. And then Maggie looked at her, her eyes soft and relieved.

"You're lucky she didn't do worse," Maggie said, hugging her tightly. "She's not exactly the nicest person around, is she?" It didn't really sound like a question. "I can't believe how immature she is though! I mean, come on!"

Belinda laughed, forgetting about the vision. She hadn't meant to but once she was talking to Maggie, she forgot that Maggie hadn't told her anything about sudden visions and where they could come from...

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