Chapter 1- P A R A D I S E

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I looked out at the tumbling waves for what felt like the last time. I'd miss the way the salty air would wash away all my thoughts and the music of the waves would drown all of my worries, until all I felt was complete bliss. School was starting up again. Senior year. The ultimate climax of high school. How exciting I sarcastically thought. As if reading my thoughts my best friend Gabe sighed and shook me by shoulders.

"Allie, stop worrying and just enjoy our last moments here in paradise". Paradise was his cousin's beach house which we went to every summer without fail since we were like 5. Gabe and I began our amazing duo when our parents moved right next door to each other. One day I was playing in my mum's prized garden when all of a sudden I was on the floor crying because a stupid bee had decided I would be its victim. Out of nowhere I looked up, tears all over my face to see a little golden haired boy staring down at me.

'Are you ok?' he said as he kneeled down to my level and placed his hand over my stinging knee. I cried even more and just rapidly shook my head when the pain.. just stopped. Confused I looked up at him to see him smiling and laughing.

'Don't worry; I will take care of you whenever you get hurt'. Ever since then we were inseparable. People always wondered how we stayed just friends for so many years with me being 17 and him being 18. He just never made it awkward, even when puberty hit and I started growing boobs and he started getting... well hot is understament. He became the most attractive guy at our school and every single girl wanted a piece of Gabe, even the ones in relationships. He just never had time for girls. I hate to say because of me but yeah because of me. He would spend all of his time with me and no matter how close we got he never tried anything or made a move on me. We just stayed the best of friends. There was a time when this bothered me but with him showing no more than friendship love for me I quickly moved on from that crush.

'You know how much I'm not looking forward to school starting up" I groaned and leaned my head on his warm shoulders and dug my toes further into the sand.

'Just think, one more agonizing year then, bam! You're 18 and set free on the world. We can go anywhere you want' he said as he mockingly spread his arms out like an aeroplane. I laughed and leaned more into him, thinking how lucky I am to have him.

'I'm so glad were spending the last year of high school together, without you it would be unbearable'.

A smug smile spread across his face "I know you're just so lucky to have someone as cool and awesome as I" he said as he puffed out his chest.

'On second thought, I think it's about time to make new friends" I laughed as I quickly jumped up from the sand. " Last one to the house has to eat that thing your cousin calls meatloaf' I yelled as I began running up the beach'.

"You're on" he growled as he raced after me, laughter replacing the sounds of the waves crashing to the shore.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2015 ⏰

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