The Witch of Halloween

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Here is my tribute to Fall and Halloween!

I hope you enjoy!


It was late in the year, when the leaves changed color and the wind cooled the air. It was the time when people pulled out their sweaters and wore their warm colors. It was that time of year when the streets were lined with little knicks and knacks designed to spook those who walked by and give their lot the appearance of a haunting. It was Halloween and Halloween was my favorite time of the year.

Something you should know about me before we continue is that my entire family loves Halloween. We are the family who goes all out with decorations and always had the best jack-o-lanterns. We had the best candy and the best costumes, but I was more in it for the costumes than the candy. My parents met at a convention when they were in college--magical, I know-they were both avid cosplayers and so costumes were their specialty. The result; every year for as long as I can remember I've always worn a homemade costume that one of my parents made for me. When I was old enough, I helped make them.

This was my thirteenth year and my last year of middle school. When you hit high school you're deemed 'too old' to trick-or-treat, so I wanted to make this last one memorable. Originally, I had planned to go out with my mom and younger siblings as always, but last second I was invited out by my classmate, Elaine Markova. Needless to say, I was ecstatic. Elaine was one of the most popular girls in the grade and I'd been trying to befriend her for years. After minimal pleading, my mom agreed to let me go and it wasn't long until I found myself standing outside the mansion sized house on Halloween night.

"Make sure you call me if you need anything at all, Piper," my mother reminded through the passenger's seat window, "and remember the panic word!"

"I'll be sure to let you know if I need anything," I replied with a small laugh. The sad truth was that I was a bit introverted, so when in uncomfortable situations, my mom and I created a panic word that would equate to 'call me with some emergency so that you can get me out of here.' I was hoping I wouldn't have to use it tonight.

"What time am I supposed to pick you up again?" Mom asked before I could walk away.

"It's supposed to be a sleepover so not until tomorrow morning and probably not until around nine or ten."

"Alright; well, have fun and be careful!"

"I will!"

"I love you!"

"Love you too, Mom!" I called, approaching the front porch.

Elaine's house was huge! I was certain that if my own house was duplicated and placed side by side they could both easily fit on this lot with more than enough room to spare. The porch itself occupied the space of two floors with large white pillars supporting it. The door was double and made of a smooth, polished brown wood with intricately designed windows placed in the center of both. After standing around and gawking at the sights, I rang the doorbell and waited.

It didn't take long for someone to answer and that someone was Elaine. She stood by the opened door, her blond hair falling in perfect curls around her face. She wore an elegant blue Cinderella-like dress that was cut short right above the knees; on her head was a silver crown constructed of what looked like snowflakes; and in her hands was a long staff with a star on the end that looked similar to the ones on her crown.

"Glinda," I said without thinking. That was the first name that came to mind. "You're supposed to be Glinda the Good, right?"

"Yes, I am," she replied sizing me up. "And you're a witch."

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