apple blossoms

395 70 18

"Uh hey, I'm kind of in a hurry, I'm looking for a special flower to gift my sister on her birthday."

"Congratulations on her birthday sir, what kind of flower are you looking for?"

"I dunno, something unique. I haven't talked to her in ages because of rehab."

"Rehab, if I may ask?"

"I quit smoking. Been clean six months. That's my badge."

"That's great sir! I'm sure your sister must be proud."

"Yeah, I hope so, I got clean because I couldn't bear her seeing me like this...not after the way we lost mom and dad."

"As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder. I'm sure she must've missed you."

"I promised I wouldn't set foot in her house till I'd quit."

"Your determination is awesome, sir. And might I suggest this beauty, an apple blossom?"

"Thanks mate, and yes, I like them. Why these?"

"They stand for promises made and promise kept."

"Then I'm sure Kara would love 'em."

"You can bet on it."

"How much is it for one apple blossom?"

"One promise kept and a birthday wish, sir. And 75 cents, if you don't mind."

"Ha, you're one to talk."

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