Chapter 16

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Suddenly the closet door slams open. He walks to me and I scream and scream and then I hear a familiar voice. "Rose its me! Rosalie!" Out of no where I see Heath and Derek looking at me extremely concerned. Then I see Tom and Ben behind them. Heath and Derek at the same time moved closer to me. Some how some way I ended up on the out side of the closet. Everyone turned around and looked at me shocked.

I felt something touch the back of my ankle and I look behind to see wings that almost touch the ground. I tried turning to look at them but every time I moved they would move with me. They were beautiful. But were they attached to me? I looked at the guys in confusion. "Um..what are these things on me?" I said creeped out. " got your wings now" Derek said. Looking back at the wings that were attached to me I poked the feathers.

I heard a chuckle but ignored it. "Um how do they work?" I said looking at Heath. No one said a world. "We don't know, we don't have wings" Ben said. I heard foot steps come towards me and I flinched, closing my eyes. It was unexpected to me and so I flinched thinking I was going to get hit. No hand hit my face, no punch hit my gut or face. There was no noise going on, nothing. I heard a familiar soft voice call my name. "Rosalie.. "

I slowly and cautiously decided to open my eyes. I peeked through one eye and saw white feathers. They were really beautiful fea- wait a minute, why are feathers if front of me? Then it hit me. The wings that were on my back, one if them was shielding by body. I finally open my other eye and stood straight up.

The wing was still covering me, for some reason, until I was comfortable. I finally saw the four guys looking at me. "I think you can work them just fine" Ben said. "I still don't know how to use them, and do they go away or am I going to have to deal with them staying on my back like this?"

"I do know that they do go away when you want them to. But I think you did control them you just didn't realize. It's like having an extra hand to help, you control it. The wings will act on impulse and will help you. You will control them but its just like having an extra hand, they will do what you want them to do, you just have to think of it" Heath said.

That was well spoken. I nodded my head and closed my eyes, trying to see if I could control them. The weird part was is that I could feel the wings. When they moved or rubbed up on someone or something, I could feel it. I tried thinking of lifting my right wing up and surprisingly, it worked. I opened my eyes to see the wing. It was crammed in the room so I couldn't let my wing all the way out.

And judging by that I could tell my wings were very very long. But most of all they were so beautiful. They were completely white, except for the ends of each of the feathers. They were a very dark black. But then again I don't know if there is any kind of black that was darker than black. See what I mean, is doesn't make since so I'm just going to stay that the ends of the wings were black.

But anyways I 'controlled' my wing to go back down, and it did. I looked back at the guys and felt weird. I'm not used to being around so many guys. I sighed getting uncomfortable. I looked around not knowing what to do. Well the only thing eles to do with out making a conversation with the guys is to try and make my wings go away. I thought of them going away and they did. So maybe this whole wing thing was easier than I thought.

They were still staring at me when I looked at them again. What is up with that like don't they know how incredibly uncomfortable that makes a person feel? "I feel like I'm being encompassed, *sigh* do you mind if I can brood for a little, or fall asleep. I mean if your oka-" Heath interrupted me, stepping forward and saying " Of course. I'll take you to our room and you can think or sleep if you want, there. And we will leave you alone for a while, you've had a long day, you need to sleep." I smiled and said 'thank you.'

When we got to the room I planned on saying something to him from when I ran out of the room when he kissed me. We walked in the room and he was about to leave me to it when I tapped his shoulder. I instantly pulled away hopping not to get hit.

Yet again I stood there with my eyes closed waiting for my punishment for touching him with out permission. But it never came. I opened them and met Heath's beautiful green eyes. When I looked deep into them I saw hurt and worry in his eyes. I felt bad.

"I uh...I wanted to say sorry for running out with out saying anything and that..*taking a deep breath and letting it out*.. I-I'm not trying to push you away or ignore you..I'm trying to get used to..this all and you. You never did anything wrong it's just that it's hard for me to um..uh get the routine that I was in out of my head. So ple-" Heath suddenly kissed me with out warning, interrupting me from talking.

My eyes were open in shock for a second and then closed them, kissing Heath back. A low growl from Heath, rumbled in his chest that mad me want to melt. He slowly pulled away and looked at me. "It's okay Rosalie ( Rosalie) I understand. Take all the time you need" he said. He kissed the tope of my head and turned to walk out. "Um Heath.." I said hesitantly. He turned around and looked at me.

"Um I uh was can you sleep with me, I mean if you want you don't have to.." I said nervously. A smile broke on his face and he nodded. I gave him a small smile and turned around climbing on the bed. Well so much for just thinking, but I felt like I owed it to him. He turned of the light and climbed into bed with me. He pulled me to him, I felt his hot chest against my back. It was a little awkward at first but soon relaxed and let myself fall into darkness.

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