Taylor Swift didn't prepare me for this love story...Chapter two.

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Part 3: Parents suck.

            I never thought that, I would ever have to sit in a police station looking like some prostitute. With my hair messed up, my sense of clarity still a bit hazy, and missing a bra. “Arianna Marie Smith!” the voice of my mother screaming entered my ears making me flinch in pain.

            “Please lower your voice” I whispered.

            “I will not lower my voice! In the car now! We will talk about this at home” she said, sending a dirty look at all the other kids, who weren’t fast enough to run. Surprisingly Jared wasn’t one of them.


            I walked out of the building keeping my head down, not to meet anyone’s eyes. The car ride was silent as the tension built up. I didn’t know where my dad was, it was only my mom present. “Where’s dad?” I asked, quietly.

            “Out” was all she said, and I didn’t open my mouth again.

            As soon as we got home, and that door shut behind her she exploded. “I can’t believe you, Arianna! A party with alcohol, I thought I raised you better than that!” she started ranting and I just stood there, taking it all in. “What has gotten into you?” she asked.

            “Nothing, I wanted to have fun” I mumbled, and she just shook her head.

            “Go upstairs into your room and stay there, I don’t want to hear a word from you, until I figure out your punishment” she said, pointing to the stairs.

            “I’m sor-“

            “Upstairs” she interrupted my apology. I just nodded, and walked upstairs regretting my stupid decisions. I just wanted to forget my problems, but all I did was increase them. As soon as I got to my room, I peeled off my clothes and threw them in a pile, before walking to the bathroom.

            I jumped in the shower, letting the hot water beat down on my body, trying to wake up from this nightmare I call my life, but soon enough the water turned cold and I had to get out.

            I wrapped a towel around my body, and walked into my bedroom, slipping on some baggy pants and an oversized shirt before crawling into bed. I curled into a ball just wanting to sleep, which came soon enough.

            I didn’t wake up until noon the next day, with a headache that made me swear off drinking until I was thirty. “Arianna, are you awake?” my mother asked, as she peeked into my room.

            “Yeah” I murmured sitting up slowly, rubbing my head as she sighed, coming into my room and sitting down at the foot of my bed.

            “Will you explain to me, what got into you last night?” she asked, and I bit my lip.

            I didn’t want to let her know, that all this was affecting me so she would have even more reason to send me away, “I wanted to have fun. I wasn’t planning on getting caught” I said a bit roughly, and she only shook her head.

            She tried to meet my eyes, but I wouldn’t let her. “I knew you weren’t going to take this all well, and this just proves my point. I made a few calls, and well your flight leaves tonight” she said and I whipped around to look at her.

            “You can’t do that!” I cried out in rage, which made my head pound but I ignored it, my anger too much to bare at this moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2011 ⏰

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