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I hopped off my horse and quickly led her into the stables. I took off the saddle and harness and she whinnied happily. I hung up the harness and saddle and detached the burlap sack filled with food. The horse nudged my hand expectantly.

"I know, I know. Hold on, Jesus you're impatient." I muttered in exasperation. I dug through the still warm sack and pulled out a slightly mushy apple. The horse snatched it up, evertheless happy for the treat.

"You're welcome. And you," I paused as I tied up the sack, "my friend, need a name." I finished, slinging the bag over my shoulder and giving the reddish brown horse a quick pet.

"I think Basil's a good name for him." A familiar voice commented from behind me. I rolled my eyes as I turned to face Trip. He grinned and walked into the stable, wrapping an arm around me in a playful chokehold, noogying me.

"Hey girl, good catch today?" He asked. I brushed his arm off and shook the bag.

"Feed Basil for me and maybe you'll get a taste of it." I bargained. Trip rolled his eyes and rolled up his sleeves.

"You say that every time yet I always end up feeding him." Trip groaned. I shrugged, making to leave the stables.

"You may be a better shot with a gun, but I'm way better with a bow and we can't risk the ammo or noise." I explained, waving a hand as I left.

"It better be good!" Trip called after me.

I jogged the short distance from the stables to the worn down cabin that I called home. Mack and Fitz were on the roof and makeshift ladder, working on reinforcing it.

"You guys need help?" I asked. Fitz looked up from the toolbox he was rummaging through and Mack hammered a nail in.

"Nah. If you could head into to town and get some sheet metal and such, that'd be great." Mack said, wiping some sweat off his head. I grinned.

"I've been meaning to go down there. Maybe now Coulson'll let me go." I replied. I let the boys get back to work and opened the creaking door.

The cabin was warm and toasty inside and I shut the door so the heat wouldn't escape into the brisk morning air. Coulson was watching over a pot of boiling water.

"Hey." I greeted. He looked up and smiled warmly at me.

"Good catch?" he asked. I nodded, setting the sack down.

"I'd hope so. You were gone even before May woke up this morning and that says a lot." Coulson smiled. I shrugged as I took off my jacket and hung it on the hooks attached over the weapons rack and put my bow and quiver on the rack.

"Winter's coming up. We'll need to stock up." I told him, untying the sack. I carefully dumped the contents of the bag on the table and tossed the bag beside the weapons rack. Coulson came over from the stove and looked at the catch.

"I'll take inventory of them and then prepare them." I told him. Coulson nodded approvingly.

"Take the potatoes to the store room. We can use the vegetables over the next few days along with the meat." Coulson instructed. I nodded and separated the food accordingly, gathering the potatoes in my arms.

"Oh, Coulson, Mack wanted me to find some parts to fix up the cabin. Think I can go to town today?" I asked, putting on my best puppy face. Coulson sighed.

"Fine. But take Trip and Bobbi with you. You know how messy it's been lately." he decided.

"Actually, I don't know since I haven't been down since Summer." I retorted, leaving the small kitchen and heading towards the storeroom in the back.

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