Chapter 1

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Palekit hopped over to Littlekit, sitting beside his litter-sister outside the nursery. "What are you doing Littlekit?" He asked excitedly hopping around her face as she licked her paw and ran it over her two gray ears. "Washing myself, Palekit. I haven't in a while." Littlekit answered, turning her head and licking down her shining white back. "Want to play moss ball with me and Dapplekit?" Palekit asked watching Dapplekit play with the moss ball and waiting for Palekit. "Don't see why not..." Littlekit said jumping up and padding toward Dapplekit, Palekit at her heels. "Finally, I've been waiting for a moon!" Dapplekit exclaimed pawing the moss ball over to Palekit and he swiped it to Littlekit. She let out a playful purr and whipped the tiny ball with her gray tail straight at the unsuspecting Dapplekit who turned around and the moss ball hit the tiny kit's paw hardly, swelling it with redness. "Ouch!" Dapplekit yowled, toppling over and biting her swelling paw. "H-hold on! I'll get Acornleaf!" Palekit gasped bounding full-speed towards Acornleaf's den. Cats gathered around Dapplekit and gasped and murmured things to themselves in horror. Littlekit scowled sadly. "I'm so sorry!!" She scowled bounding to the nursery and huddling in her nest curling up and covering her tearing green eyes. Moonface looked at Dapplekit from the nursery and padded to Littlekit. "What happened, Littlekit?" Moonface asked sitting down and licking Littlekit's back. "I-I hit the m-moss b-b-ball at Dapplekit a-and h-hurt her." Littlekit stammered. "Oh, Littlekit, it isn't your fault. Dapplekit just wasn't paying attention, that's all." Moonface murmured laying down beside her crying kit. Littlekit wiped her eyes with her tail and marched out of the nursery and into the medicine cat den. "Is Dapplekit okay?" Littlekit asked. I'm such a mousebrain! I should've told her before I hit the moss ball! Littlekit thought seeing the peaceful Dapplekit, she was sleeping with her swollen paw extended and twitching. "She'll be fine, I gave her some poppy seed and herbs. She will heal in a few days." Acornleaf answered from the herb store, sorting some marigold and horsetail. Oh good.. Littlekit thought spinning around and heading to the fresh-kill pile. She picked out a plump brown mouse and picked it up padding to the elders' den.

"And then, the LionClan warrior was slain by the great LeopardClan warrior, fast but nimble and a quick thinker." Bluepelt, the elder finished. She was telling Littlekit about a story about a great LeopardClan warrior named Goldenleg who finished off the worst enemy named Tigerfang that betrayed the warrior code. "Thank you Bluepelt! I feel much better now." Littlekit mewed jumping up from lying down and circling Bluepelt excitedly. "Oh, Littlekit, just because you're becoming an apprentice tomorrow with Palekit, doesn't mean you can mess with me by hopping up and down." Bluepelt sighed picking up Littlekit by the scruff and dropping her in front of her. "It is dusk. You and the clan must sleep now. may StarClan send you good dreams." Bluepelt meowed nudging Littlekit out of the elders' den. "Bye Bluepelt!" Littlekit meowed skipping towards the nursery. Bluepelt nodded at the five moons old about to become six moons, and spun around walking slowly back into the elders' den. I can't wait till' tomorrow! Littlekit thought coming inside the nursery and cuddling herself in her little mossy nest. "Goodnight, Moonface," Littlekit yawned. "Goodnight Moonface and Littlekit." Palekit mewed before drifting off to sleep and snoring softly. "Goodnight, kits." Moonface murmured yawning and rolling onto her black back and going to sleep. "Goodnight." Littlekit said yawning once more and going to sleep.

"Wake up, dear Littlekit. Palekit is already outside at the clan ceremony." Moonface murmured nudging her kit with her pink nose. Littlekit yawned and rolled over, getting up. "Okay." She yawned padding outside the nursery and Jaystar nodded at the two kits. Palekit leaped onto the rock followed by Littlekit. "Until these two earn their warrior names, Palekit will be Palepaw. Frosteye, you are Palepaw's mentor. May you pass down all you know to this your apprentice." Frosteye got up from sitting and joined her apprentice. He touched noses with his new mentor and sat down looking at Littlekit. "Littlekit will be Littlepaw. Darktail, you are Littlepaw's mentor. May you pass down all you know to this, your apprentice." Jaystar finished. Littlekit excitedly leaped down from the highrock and touched her pink nose to Darktail's. "Ceremony dismissed." Jaystar meowed leaping down from the highrock and heading into his den with his deputy Foxfoot.  After a few moments, Foxfoot emerged from the leaders den and sat just outside it. "Palepaw, Littlepaw, Frosteye and Hollyfur, you're on for the sunhigh patrol." Foxfoot yowled. Yay! My first patrol! Littlepaw thought meowing excitedly and padding over to her new den. She lied down letting her belly sunbathe. She heard Palepaw pad over to her and sit down. "Don't get too comfy. It will be sunhigh soon." Palepaw said laying down beside her. "Maybe just a little nap won't hurt..." Littlepaw yawned drifting to sleep.

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