True Love?

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There are some things that we try to forget, while there are others that are accidental. Sometimes we think we have forgotten, but our subconscious still remembers. But my case is entirely different. I tried and I couldn't , I tried and I couldn't, and I tried again, and still I could not forget. Wait, I almost forgot, how rude of me. You must want to know my name of course. As you should know my name is Coralline Crane, and no I'm not related to the infamous school teacher, Ichabod Crane, or at least I thought I wasn't. But for you to fully understand my story, I'll have to start at the very beginning, when it all started.

"All right students," says my history teacher, Mrs. Scott. "Our next subject we will be studying is 'The Legend of Sleepy Hollow'."

A few students including me groan in despair, while a few others cheer with happiness. My best friend, Lani, leans over to my desk and slips a note onto my desk.

"Read it now." She whispers in my ear. So, I pick it up and do. It reads:

How much money do we need for the trip? Lani

And I'm thinking what trip? Then I remember that we were supposed to drive into town to stay with her Aunt Sally and go shopping. That's just about all you can do for fun here in this godforsaken town of Sleepy Hollow. So, that's why we're reading it in class, because it was based in our lovely hometown. I used to love it, but now I hate it. Ever since my parents died in that car accident going over that bridge, I just haven't been the same. I remember it like was yesterday.

'There were screams as loud as lions, and glass everywhere. I remember looking out my window, calling for help and seeing a man, no a boy, standing there smiling. And there was something about his smile that made me feel even worse, it was as though he was happy that we were skidding, about to fall over the edge. He was tall but not too tall with hazel eyes and brown hair. He was extremely handsome. His skin tone was perfect, it wasn't light, but it wasn't dark either. His teeth were so straight and white, just like a row of perfect pearls.

"Coralline," I hear my mother say in a quiet, terrified voice. I turn towards her and look into her striking green eyes, the same shade as mine.

"Climb out your window!" she says.

"No, I want to stay here with you and daddy." I reply, trying my hardest not to yell. 'It is very disrespectful' as my grandmother would say.

"You must. And there's no chance for us, but you can live. You're only 6, and you don't deserve to die like this. Just promise me you'll live, and promise me you'll never forget me or dad, ok?" She says tears streaming down her face.

"Ok." I whisper.

"Now go Coralline .I love you."

"I love you too!" I say as I climb out of my window.

"Run" I hear her scream. So I run, but stop dead in my tracks upon seeing him, that man in front of me. I look behind me just in time to see my parents' car fall off the bridge, and into the river. But when I turn back again, the man is gone.'

"Ahem," I hear Mrs. Scott say. "You're wanted in the principal's office." I get up from my desk, grab my books, and start to walk towards the door.

"Good luck." Lani whispers to me as I pass by her desk.

"Thanks" I whisper back. On my way out of the door, I start to get this feeling, that feels as if something's wrong, but I can't place it.

"Miss Crane, are you ok?" Mrs. Scott asks me.

"Yes, I'm ok." I say and start walking down the hall. As I near the principal's office, I get the feeling again, but I ignore it. It might just be me acting nervous. But I don't ever get nervous, like ever. I push open Mrs.Deizles door, not bothering to knock I've been here that many times that I'm welcome, and walk in. Then, I stop, and stare at the chair facing her desk. But not only the chair, but the face that is staring at me. It is the man from the car accident on the bridge.

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