Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

(I agree, it's a short chapter, but another one will be up later today)

Cheryl’s POV

Pathetic… just pathetic. A drinking game?! I haven’t even divorced my husband yet and I’m already begging someone else to love me. Not just anyone either. The one and only.

I loved him… worse yet… I love him. That doesn’t just go away because he cheated on me. We were going to celebrate anniversaries together, have kids together, and be together forever. The perfect marriage, the way I always pictured it in my head. It hurts to think about it now. What’s worse is remembering silly little details like laughing at a dorky TV show together, lying out on the grass together looking up at the trees, playful kisses at random moments. That’s all tainted now of course, now that I know what he was doing when he was away for a football match while I was home alone missing him. Yet, it doesn’t make sense that he cheated on me. We were happy, we had intimacy, we had plenty of sex… why would he cheat?

Why did I cheat?

Because I did. It doesn’t matter that he did it first. I’ve tried to justify it a million times in my head. It was just revenge… getting even with him. It wasn’t. I wanted it. And although I definitely didn’t plan it, it was the perfect moment to do it and get away with it, which is exactly what happened. Except I lost my best friend and husband over it. I distanced myself from her as soon as we landed in London. Pretended it never happened. It must have hurt her but I needed to make my marriage work, and I couldn’t do that with her around me. She was like an addiction. I had to make a clean break, or as clean as I could make it considering we were still in a band together. Ashley and I worked on our marriage, and things slowly turned back to normal. Except… I missed her. I miss her. Even now, while she’s sitting next to me. It’s not the same. She doesn’t touch my hair anymore, she doesn’t touch me at all anymore, we don’t hug anymore, or kiss… I miss her kisses. 

Yes I still love my husband, but it doesn’t even compare to my love for her.

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