Chapter 5

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About an hour later Mephisto woke up, he gasped darting his eye around the room. He thought to himself that this would look terribly wrong to anyone that would walk in. The head chairman sleeping with a student? Or no, to the Vatican: a minor sleeping with a demon they would think rape possibly. He snapped his fingers and with a poof his clothes were back on. Grabbing a coat from his closet he blanketed you in it and carried you. Mephisto paused "Ouch..." he said stroking your thigh that had a big purple bruise then realizing you had a bloody scratch that stretched across your stomach. His face cringed in guilt, he thought he did his best to be gentle with you but guess that failed near the end. He wrapped you securely in his coat and decided to carry you to your dorm room, he figured it would be safe hence it being three A.M. in the morning. The cool night air was refreshing and sobering to his thoughts. Swaying his tail back and forth he hugged you close remembering the night you two met in the exact spot he was right around this time of night. It was a peaceful walk without anybody to bother him. When he got to your room he creaked the door open set you on your bed whispering "Sweet dreams my love."

"Hey Yukio, just letting you know I can't come to classes to today."
"Oh alright, I'll set you some work aside for when you get back... If you don't mind me asking the reason for your absence?"
"Oh, I just have the flu. I'll catch you guys later."
"Okay, get better soon."
"Bye bye."
Clicking my phone off I slapped my hands on my eyelids trying to suppress the pain. "Ugh they burn." Yep it was definitely the flu again, not surprised though, apparently everyone in my family had a week immune system. Always catching the flu like this. Curse you genetics. Oh well the day is mine to do whatever. I've been keeping my grades tip top in my academic courses but now I seem to be lacking knowledge in the cram school. This was important to me, not wanting to look like an idiot in front of my friends. Right now we're studying demonology and not having a clue on most of the questions the recent quiz was embarrassing. I slapped down the big dusty leather book flipping to the glossary scanning my eyes, until I found a topic that interested me. My finger froze meeting one of the topics. "What? No." My heart started pounding so fast and my saliva tasted sour in my mouth from the worry. 'Impregnation P.153' I flipped the pages of the book to number 153 so fast from the adrenaline rushing through me, I bet that if they had a strange record for page flipping I would totally be in it. Darting my eyes across the page, I saw a lot of documentaries of women being raped by incubi and other demons and actually becoming pregnant with their offspring. I didn't even know this sort of thing was possible. In my biology class they clearly said only humans could impregnate other humans and same goes for other species. I didn't even think of this when Mephisto grabbed me the other day. "Am I...?" No, it can't be it's just the flu. I get the flu all of the time. No, this isn't the time for denial. What if I actually am. Running up to my mirror I scrunched my hair into a bun, threw on my Jacket and boots and bolted out the door. I tried to pace my walk as fast as possible while having my attention locked to my phones GPS directing me to the schools pharmacy. Vaguely remembering where it was from the last I went there, it made me want to stop and turn around right then and there due to the unpleasant memory. At the beginning of the school year in desperate need of a tampon run, the male clerk awkwardly starred at me when he checked them through. It was really embarrassing and I vowed not to go there anymore but this was no time for childish things.
After taking the test by peeing on it which thinking it was a bit vulgar and unnecessary... With modern science and technology there should be another way like saliva or blood tests. Sitting on the bathtub ledge I literally felt I had to force air in my lungs by focusing on breathing. Just waiting the three minutes for the test to detect a + or a - felt deathly. Staring at the timer app on my phone, the minutes seemed to taunt me with every second feeling like an hour. Finally forcing to standing up, I turned over the test. A big pink + sign was displayed across the screen. My heart literally skipped a beat and tears started to flood my face. Dialing Mephisto's number hearing the ringing noises I thought to myself 'What do I even tell him... what if he got really mad and decided to never speak to me again. Even worse be forced to be killed. Maybe I'll die because... humans shouldn't have demon babies. "Hello~?" I heard him say in a chipper frivolous voice. I hung up as fast as possible from the panic from hearing his voice. I don't think I've cried this much since I was a toddler. Bolting out the door, this time burying my tear stained face in my fists. I can't even think anymore. All I know is that I have to go to him, there was no plan but it is the only thing to do.
Bashing open his door out of breath, I typically took caution during the day when visiting him. It was definitely the regular convention but there was no time for that. My face heated up feeling embarrassed; yep it was definitely still first thing in the morning. Seeing him dressed in his pajamas. Mephisto looked up at you like he had seen a ghost. He didn't know what was wrong but he knew it was not good news seeing you like this and the hang up phone call only made it worse. My eyes still blurred with warm tears flowing down my cheeks, it's hard to stand trembling like this. He quickly got up rushing over to catch you. Hugging your trembling body, he leaned down to meet his dark green eyes with yours, "What's wrong." He said, brushing the tears from your cheeks. I couldn't get my words together. Fear stuck me like a lightning bolt. My face felt nice pressed up against his silky nightshirt though. Catching my breath "I-m umm..." my hands clenched onto his shirt as tight as I sniffled "I'm pregnant." I felt Mephisto loosen his grip. All I could feel was his body go limp as he was staring at the wall. "What." Shit. He grabbed your shoulders "Now, are you completely sure?" I was still crying so much that every word sounded like a hiccup, "M-mhm." wiping my face from the tears. He backed up rubbing his face with his palms from the stress, crashing into the wall and stared at the ceiling. He promptly flipped open and dialed his phone, moments later all you heard was "Amaimon, get over here. Now!" Flipping the phone shut he slid down to the ground. My body was still shaking from the trembles, burying my face in my fists again, I felt so ashamed "I-I'm sorry." He shook his head in disapproval from your apology and waved a finger to come to him. Curling into his lap like a little child the two of us cried together.
Amaimon came a few minutes later crunching on a candy with a bored expression as usual. He glanced around the room until his eyes met us on the floor, "Wow guys... What's got your pickle in such a tickle brother?" Mephisto gave him a stern growl, this was no time for jokes and it pissed him off when Amaimon did that. "Ha ha whoa didn't mean to make you mad there big guy." he said teasing him more. "Shut the fuck up. She's pregnant, you asshole." Whoa, it was rare to ever hear Mephisto swear but that is what it took for Amaimon to listen. Amaimon dropped his jaw, candy almost falling out. "Hahahaha wow Sameal didn't know you had it in you. She's just a young girl~ I thought you knew better than that..." Mephisto slammed his head on the bookshelf behind him. "I knoww. What am I supposed to do now?" Amaimon looked down giving a condescending look, "I dunno but the Vatican won't be too happy over this one will they~" Mephisto growled at him again "Shut up about the Vatican, I will deal with those fools later." He got up slamming his bedroom door behind him. Amaimon stared at me as I sat on the ground with my tear stained face. Normally he would laugh calling you a slut and walk away or something but he felt bad, figuring you were probably put through enough today. "Don't mind him. I just know how to piss him off." He lent me a hand pulling me up. "It'll be okay." He said, giving an encouraging smile. I forced a smile on my face then walked out of the office. To anyone seeing the expression on my face they knew there was something wrong. I could feel my cheeks go flush let alone my sloppy out fit and hair bunched in a ball. I saw Yukio and Moryiama stare at me in concern but I couldn't face them now. No, not like this just rushing by them. Minutes later, I collapsed onto my bed cocooning the blanket around my body to shut out the world. Giving a blank stare at the wall I feel like have nothing left in me. My eyes had no more tears but I was still crying inside. I can't believe he just shut his door on me like that. I have a baby now! Things are different, what a selfish act. That is a weird thought though... not being alone in your own body. I guess I'm technically two people now. Weird. Feeling my body sink deep into unconsciousness is the only thing to do, sleep is the only thing to ease this pain.

AN:HAIIII! Hope you like this chapter!
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Mephisto x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora