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I drew JASPERTATO's o.c. Tanzinite. Enjoy!

A little insignificant note...
-Okay so the other day someone said: "WOW, you draw waaaaayy better than mee!!!11!" and "I suck compared to you!!" Or something like that... I'd just like to say pleeeeaaaase don't ever say that. Never put yourself lower than anyone, especially a person like me. Please, I love you all to much to see you guys do that stuff. You guys may not be as "able" as others but that doesn't mean you're not "good enough". Just remember,

"Everyday you gotta wake up & be yourself, even if you suck, especially if you suck, because no one sucks like you suck."
-Patrick Stump

((A.K.A. the greatest man alive. You're Welcome.))

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