#30 What he is thankful for

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Thomas- You understand him , the way you take the time to listen to him about what he have to say . As everyone in the glade have no time for his shit as they have their own . But you stop and just listen about his crazy dreams and possibility to escape ,Which is pretty dang interesting .

Newt- The way you help him through his difficult times when he last tried to suicide , he sometimes feel depressed and that's where you come in . You help him get through it all and he is really grateful about it .

Minho- When you go crazy and all out with him . In the glade , not everyone is cheerful as they all know that they are stuck there but that doesn't stop the playful and sassy minho from getting any fun at all so he needs someone who would insane with him and that's you. Which he is really glad that he met you.

Gally- The way you manged to make him smile/laugh . Everyone knows gally has this straight face and he rarely smiles . But for some strange reason you can and everyone is shocked , asking you how did you do it. So everytime he smile/laugh at your jokes or something it makes him feel good inside and happy .

So guys thank you for all the comments from the last part about me asking you guys which character to choose for the upcoming "The Scorch Trails Preferences" which is 'ARIS/FRYPAN/WINSTON' .

Majority wins so the winner is ...... Aris and Frypan !!!! YAYY

Thanks guys . Love you ♡

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