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1. What's your name or pen name? (Don't have to answer if it is too personal)

My pen name is Darcy Mikalson (I picked Darcy because I love the character Darcy Lewis from the Marvel movies and Mikalson because it is an echo of my first name).

2. What inspired you to write your first book?

Well, I guess it was the Sherlock show itself, really. I've always loved writing but I never really had that much confidence in myself. After watching Sherlock and being introduced to the fandom- and many others. Sherlock was like my gateway drug into the crazy fandom world- I decided to try my hand at writing fanfiction. One of the best decisions I've ever made as it's really helped to boost my confidence :D

3. What is the biggest Sherlock cliché that annoys you?

When Sherlock falls in love with the main chick who has JUST appeared on the scene. Like, come on people! You gotta build up that relationship! This is Sherlock Holmes, he isn't going to jump into bed with the first person he meets! It's gonna take more than three chapters for him to fall in love with someone!

4. How do you think others just starting out, or wanting to get better, could improve on in general?

Editing. Lots of fics I've read (including my own which I totally have to fix up in the future) have so many mistakes from grammar to irrelevant details that don't have anything to do with the progress of the story. If you can, get someone to proof-read your work before you post it. It's amazing, how different and so much better a story can become after being edited. Also, if you want to improve on your writing skills, keep writing! It's like, if you want to learn a new language you have to practice. If you want your body to stay toned and fit you gotta keep working. It's the same thing with writing. If you want to get better then work on it. Write something once a day, whether it be a poem, a chapter, song lyrics, whatever. Keep those creative muscles fit and ready for action :D

5. Who or what is your continuing inspiration?

I think Jacqueline Wilson will always be an inspiration to me as she was the author who first got me hooked into reading, although I don't have any plans in the future to be writing children's/pre-teen novels. Another thing that inspires me to write would have to be the endless possibilities that writing has to offer. It's kinda like being an explorer. With writing you can go out there and charter uncharted waters and then write about it. It's kinda exciting and a little nerve-wracking, but I live for those feelings.

6. Who is your favorite author on Wattpad so far? (Not necessarily someone who write Sherlock fanfiction)

eleven-ninetyseven by far, she's written such awesome stories like her Kingsman fanfic Checkmate and her original story The Not-So-Graceful Breakthrough of Diana Dooley. I love her stories <3

7. What is your favorite Wattpad book you've read and why?

As for favorite Wattpad book... hmm, that's a tough one. I think it's a three-way tie between Vengeance by _quirky_ which is an Avengers fic, Cygne by sleepdeprived- which is a Sherlock fic, and Checkmate by eleven-ninetyseven which is the Kingsman fic I was talking about earlier.

8. Is there anything else you'd like to say or advise to readers?

Thanks for the reads, readers! You guys are totally awesome and are a great motivation for authors all over the world! We love reading your comments or seeing your votes so keep it up! You guys are great, keep doing your thing my lovelies <3xoxo~DM

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2015 ⏰

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