How You Two Met (Preference #1)

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You had been walking around the street going shop to shop trying to find a new outfit for a meeting you had next week. You gave up only an hour into the search and decided to go get a snack. There was a little pastry shop across the street and all you could think about was the taste of pie. You headed towards the small shop and saw a 67' Impala pull into the parking lot. "Nice car" you thought to yourself.

The attendant asked what you would like and you replied with "an apple pie, please." At the same moment you were taking out your wallet, a man wearing a nice suit walked in. His exquisite features stunned you, almost causing you to drop your cash.

You quickly paid, grabbed your pie, and sat down at a single-chaired table. The man stood at the register deciding what he wanted, but looked over at your lonely figure and turned to the clerk to ask for a fork.

His next action almost caused you to faint. He walked over to you and asked if you'd like company. You quickly replied "sure" as he swung a chair from the table beside yours to join you.

"I'm Dean." He said.

"Y/N" You stuttered.

"I couldn't help but notice you got a pie. Pie happens to be my specialty, mind if we share?" He asked.

"I just met you." You said stubbornly.

"I suppose, but I have a fork." He said pulling out the fork the cashier gave him.

"I guess." You said finally giving in.



It had been a long day already. All you wanted to do was go home, watch Netflix, and sleep. However, you had a huge meeting tomorrow that required you to study everything you could. Instead of going home, you decided to head to the library. The sight of books surrounding you was better than a distracting TV.

Once you spread out your stuff around your table, you caught a glimpse of a guy sitting at the table parallel to yours.
He seemed frustrated, but calm. You couldn't help but steal a few glances as he flipped the pages of multiple books.
Every now and then you'd see him look over at you.

About an hour into the study session, the man walked over to you and asked if you could help him with something.

"Sure, what do you need help with?"

"I have to step out for a minute to call my brother, can you watch my stuff?"

"Of course."

"Thanks" he looked at you for a few seconds then walked out.

You had always been a curious person, so you walked over to his table to find out what he was researching. He did tell you to "watch his stuff" anyways.
You found a whole bunch of books on lure and myths spread around his laptop, which had a site full of recent deaths. "Oh, a cop, of course." You thought to yourself. Before he could walk in the doors, you sat back down.

"Thanks for watching my stuff..." He said reaching out to shake your hand.

"Oh your welcome, I'm Y/N"




You had just been on a hunt with your friends Sam and Dean, you were sweaty, and most of all just wanted to get something to eat. Dean insisted on Burgers and you couldn't refuse. The drive felt longer than it should have, it was only supposed to be 5 minutes away. 10 minutes passed and you told Sam to look up the address again. No service. Dean started shouting


You and Sam started bursting out laughing. All of a sudden, you felt something brush against your sleeve, which was weird since you had been in the back seat alone. You turned your head to see a man sitting there with a fast food bag in his hand.

"OH MY GOSH WHO ARE YOU" you practically screamed.


Sam and Dean weren't as scared seeing Castiel as you had been, but you had never met the man, or known he could just pop into places.

"Hey, Cas" they both said.

"I brought food." He said holding up the bag of burgers.

"Well thanks, I guess." You said.

"It's nice to meet you, Y/N" he replied.

How did he know your name? Oh of course, Sam and Dean. Now if they told you he was this cute you would have liked to have met him earlier.

Authors Note:

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