Holiday Specials

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I'm sorry it has taken me this long to update I've been really busy.

Everytime a holiday comes up, Once Upon A Time skips a week. What if they had holiday specials. If they do, it could go like this...

Valentine's Day- This would be the best episode ever. They could have cute moments for all the ships (the good ones) and they could all go on dates and uhhh. I need a boyfriend.

Thanksgiving- Remember when Charming mentioned how Thanksgiving would suck in season 2? We could have the entire family at Granny's or the Charming apartment and it would be awesome.

Halloween- The villain (whoever it is at the time) would be like trying to raise the dead or something and the heroes would stop them and stuff or there's a new dark curse that makes everyone evil and the bad guys even more evil.

Christmas- Just everyone sitting in the Charming apartment trading gifts, watching Christmas movies, and drinking hot cocoa with cinnamon. And no one good dying.

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