chapter four

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Allen's POV
I was down the hallway the camera was on and it was keeping an eye on me and I've been told what to do since the nightguard that killed me and my brother was here and he was watching us from the main office he had camera. I get way they want to kill him the purple guy killed more then just two he killed five other children as well and now my new goal is to stuff the night guards into a suit to make them feel the pain where feeling i can still feel pain my ears twich a little once the red light stopped blinking i ran down the hallway and towards the office door he didn't see me good i though i quietly walked in and jumped scared him his face paled and i bite down on his neck blood gushed out of his throat he screamed my eyes now red with pure anger and the pain from the past. I let go of his neck and dragged him to the spare part and backroom where one door read Night guard only once i was in everyone saw my red glowing eyes i growled and they all toke a step back away from me i walked towards an animatronic suit and put the body inside the suit and left its now 3:00 am he didn't make it far but he failed to survive all five night poor guy not.
All i could feel is anger and pain i howled out in pain i couldn't take it anymore Foxy came up to me and said Yar lad are ye alright His thick pirate accent was always there i feel to my knees and i was having a hard time breathing i still couldn't stand the the guys face and how scared he was i was having another panic attack. Foxy knew this and ran off to get my brother since he didn't know what to do. They both came back a minute later with Freddy,Chica and Bonnie the bunny.
They where all scared but why i don't know me and my brother have been here for about a day know but they might have made friends with my brother and i made friends with Foxy.
Zack was trying to get me to calm down but it didn't work I cant help him his panic attack was worse then last time when we got killed Zack said he put me down easily everyone had a sad look on their faces Yar i'm sorry i ye ask for your help if i would have knew i yar wont have ask for your help Foxy said sadly N-N-no o-o-ones f-fault I said before i blacked out.
(A/n. I know animatronic cant breath and all but in my story they can.)

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