Chapter One

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"Sleeping, Austin."
"Then stop sleeping, Maya. Please." I groaned as I opened my eyes sleepily. I rolled over and peered at the glowing numbers beside me. 2:51am. New record.
"Austin," I mumbled in annoyance as I buried my head further into the pillow, trying to fall back to sleep.
"Please, Maya. Come outside with me?"
Austin Anthony Corini, most annoying person in the entire universe; but my best friend, nonetheless. I've known him since the day I was born, quite literally. Our parents have always been extremely close friends, causing a strong bond to form between me, Austin, and our siblings.
I groaned again before placing one foot onto Austin's cold bedroom floor and shivering. Incase you are wondering, no, me and Austin aren't in a relationship or some sort of secret lover-crush thing with each other, we're just best friends; that's all we ever have been. Whenever we sleep round each other's, one of us always sleeps on a spare mattress which we place on the floor; and by one of us, I mean Austin 99.9% of the time, as he says that he feels guilty if I have to sleep there.
I stood up and began making my way over to the bedroom door, earning a chuckle from Austin.
"What?" I whispered.
"The way you walk when the floor's cold, you make it seem like it's ice. This isn't Antarctica, you know," he laughed quietly. I rolled my eyes at him as he followed me out of his door and down the stairs.
I stood shivering as Austin attempted to unlock the back door quietly, trying his hardest not to wake anyone. When he'd eventually succeeded, we made our way into the garden, where Austin led me to the bench that sat at the end of the grassy wonderland.
We sat down beside each other, shivering, but smiling. I saw Austin peer up at the sky, and, as I did the same, I gasped. The sky was full of shooting stars, and to say it was beautiful would be an understatement.
"Go on, Maya. Make a wish."
That's me. Maya-Rose Alton. I'm seventeen. I have horrible long knotty brown hair, but surprisingly nice bright blue eyes - just like Austin's. He has soft, fluffy brown hair, and is quite tall.
I sat and closed my eyes and tried to think of a wish.
I wish my best friend could have all his dreams come true.
I sighed and opened my eyes, peering over at Austin, who was still staring up at the starry view.
Austin's always been one for dreaming big and following your heart, and music is his biggest wish. He auditioned for the X-Factor way back in 2012, using Hunter Hayes' 'Wanted' as his audition song; however, unfortunately, he didn't make it all the way.
That doesn't stop him, though. He still sings on YouTube, and does a lot of pub performances, and I just know that, one day, he'll get noticed.
"It's so beautiful, Maya. I don't think we'll ever see anything like this ever again." I smiled and nodded in agreement as I leaned my head on to my best friend's shoulder, staring up at the night sky which was lit up before my eyes, and realising just how lucky I was to have this lifestyle.

So that was the first chapter! I really hope you liked it!
It's going to get quite emotional later on, and I'm hoping to update at least once a week.
~ Chloe x

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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