Chapter 1: One Year Later

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It's been exactly one year since Tyler and I broke up. No, scratch that. Let's be honest here. It has been one year since TYLER broke up with ME, grinding my bloody heart in the process. Looking back now, I shudder just thinking about how I've gone off the deep end because of a guy. Granted, I thought that guy was the love of my life but I now know how wrong I was on that.

The beginning of the end started normal enough. I needed to check something online and just like any other day, I used Tyler's laptop because it was faster and mine was slowly dying. Normally, I would do my business on his laptop and be done with it but something made me check his Facebook account that day which, looking back, was weird since I was never the snoopy girlfriend. Call it intuition or whatever you want but at that moment I just felt that I needed to check his messages.

And there I saw it.

Messages after messages of him talking to girls. Yup, plural. GIRLS. Three to be exact. The two were mostly sex talks and fantasy and although reading those made my blood boil, it was the third one that hurt the most.

Have you ever heard of emotional cheating? Well, it's a real thing so don't let any man say otherwise. Reading these messages from the guy I love while he makes future plans with another girl gutted me. I wasn't even angry. I was too hurt to be angry.

And did you know what he said when I confronted him? That what he did wasn't really cheating because they were just words on a page.

Words. On. A. Fucking. Page.

Give me a freakin' break.

And I really wish I can say that that's the end of our story. That I walked away and dumped his cheating ass. But love can make you do and think crazy things and at that time, the thought of losing him was even worst than the thought of him cheating on me.

So I clung on and tried to make the relationship work, tried to bring it back to what it was once before. In the end though, he just didn't want to be in the relationship anymore.

It has been exactly one year since he walked away from us and it wasn't easy but I'm okay now. I'm over him.

I know, I don't sound like it. I sound bitter and still very angry. I blame it on this day.

The day that my heart got broken.

I'll be over this tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2016 ⏰

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