When the Day Stands Still

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No one counts time anymore, age doesn't matter. I used to want to know how people felt back then without all the man made stuff like time, age, years, mostly no school. But now we are living in hell. I thought my life was bad before but I was way off. Oh, I guess I should introduce myself I'm..... Well people called me Sky before.

Well my life before wasn't as bad as I make it sound. I was orphaned as a baby and I've been moved from orphanage to orphanage. By age of 13 I ran away, and I joined a gang. We were the second most wanted gang in North Dakota. But initiation was terrible. Getting beat up by older boys isn't my ideal Friday night. But can you blame me....of course you can.

I stole some bread from a bakery and was being chased they helped me get away from the copers and that's how I met them my new family. But as everyone does in the apocalypse they all died and I was the only one left. I joined a few other groups after that and guess what they got bit or destroyed each other.

         I still cry, hope, and have humanity. I believe people shouldn't die unless they do something unforgivable. Killing is a natural instinct for some people now but for me I'll think before I sin like that. Last place I was in turned out to be canables who killed my last group but I got out.

I ran and ran from that place and with little hope left I found this man his names Gabriel. I didn't believe he survived on his own. I couldn't believe he did nothing but after a while I gave in and believed him. But I hate the weak, trust me he's leading it on pretending to be weaker then he is without knowing it.

Sorry can't talk anymore busy protecting the priest from a group of walkers. Damn will he just shut up.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2015 ⏰

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