xi. own rules

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There were two important conversations that Haven Eldridge had to have after her time at Emily's house.

One was with her father and mother, she had to talk about the hunter situation and how she wasn't sure if she was ever going to be able to become what they want her to be.

The second conversation was with Bella. After finding out that her best friend knew about the supernatural world, and Haven's part in it, there were definitely some things that Haven had to clear up with her.

And that conversation was about to happen.

"Are you sure you are going to be okay?" Jacob asked, a protective tone coating his voice.

Haven rolled her eyes, when she had left Emily's house that afternoon she had come straight to Bella's and Jacob was quick to follow after her, "Yes, bodyguard Jacob I am going to be fine. It's just Bella."

Scoffing at the girl and her sarcastic tone, Jacob shoved her playfully, "I was just making sure you got here okay. After all there is a rabid vampire running around this town, couldn't have you getting hurt."

Quickly grabbing her daggers out of her holster, Haven spun the weapons on her fingers, "I can protect myself."

"Alright, put those down. I will not have vampire teeth daggers plunged into my body, thank you."

Haven laughed lightly, not exactly sure as to why he had followed her here. She wasn't complaining at all, she loved having Jacob around but Haven just wasn't clear on why he was always by her side these days. Haven swiftly shoved the weapons back into the holster on her thigh.

"I'm going to talk to her, then my parents so that all of this can be cleared up. Thank you for escorting me but I can take it from here."

Haven began to swirl her body around so that she was walking towards Bella's front door. Warm fingers gripped her wrist stopping her from approaching the steps, when Haven turned to see what Jacob wanted her body was tugged towards his. He latched their bodies together in a hug, Jacob's face nestling softly into Haven's neck that lingered with her familiar perfume. Haven's body curled around Jacob's with ease, the two teenagers forms fitting together perfectly.

Jacob had never really thought about how strong the imprint was. Of course he had heard all of the legends, both his dad and Sam filling him in on what the relationship between the two meant but as his body was pressed against Haven's, he thought that he finally understood.

Jacob hadn't even meant to hug the girl, his body almost did it instinctively and when he was in her embrace he felt truly complete. Nothing else mattered to him in that moment, it was just her and him, Jacob and Haven. His urge to always be touching her, to be near her, was because when he was in her presence he felt stronger, like he could take on anything that comes his way.

Pulling away reluctantly, Haven spoke with a grin on her face, "Go home, Jake. I will text you when I am done with these conversations so that you know what's going on."

With that, Haven turned around and stalked up to Bella's front door, the grin on her face not having any intention on leaving. Her fist knocked on the brown wooden door lightly. While waiting for someone to answer, she twisted her body to see that Jacob was no longer there. Her body instantly wished that he was when she thought of the daunting talk she had to have with Bella. Haven knew Jacob being there would put her mind at ease.

The door swung open and Haven was met with her best friend's familiar chocolate brown eyes and matching hair, "Thank god you are here." Bella simply said, dragging Haven through the threshold of her home by her wrists.

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