Last Virgin Standing (MCR version.)

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"Mikey! Mikey! Mikey!" I screamed in my best friends ear, shaking him violently. I'm pretty sure I heard a low moan coming from underneath the pile of blankets but other than that- nothing. I sat back on my haunches, a small smirk playing a crossed my lips. "I just saw Alicia Simmons shirtless outside your window!" I said in a mock gasp. Just as I suspected there was a rumbling noise, followed by Mikey's head poking up from underneath the blankets.

"Where?!" he asked quickly, while I just sat there, admiring the way his hair stuck out in different directions. He had a tired and confused look on his face, and I almost felt bad for keeping him up so late last night. Almost. "I lied." I grinned teasingly, swatting his bed head. He pouted, jutting out his bottom lip before smirking up at me. "Oh well. not like I haven't seen it before." he taunted.

I threw a pillow at him, making a face. Yes, Mikey Way was a ruthless manwhore and joined the "Virginator" game in his freshman year. Alicia had been his girlfriend all throughout middle school, and was the first girl Mikey checked off on his list. He was also my best friend "You're sick." I snorted, throwing another pillow at him. He caught it, tossing it carelessly off the side of the bed.

"And you're sitting on my dick." he wagged his eyebrows. I squeaked loudly, my whole face exploding into a blush as I hopped off of him. "Michael!" I scolded. "Camillia!" he shot back. Before you ask, yes this was how every morning went. I stalked over to his closet, jumping over a few piles of clothes, and started pulling out clothes for him

to wear.

Knowing Mikey he wouldn't be out of bed for another half an hour. Nope, he was perfectly content in watching me get him ready. Baby. I laughed to myself at the though. "I banged Alice Lee." I heard Mikey declare, and my laugh soon turned into coughing. "O-Oh?" I tried to make my voice even after I'd caught my breath. Alice too? Great now I was the only virgin in our whole entire high school.

"Yep!" he popped the p playfully, and Although I couldn't see him, I knew he was smirking. That was the thing about Mikey. Getting a smile out of him was rare but he always had that god damn smirk on his face. I decided to change the subject- throwing his clothes in his face. "Hurry up we'll be late for school!" I sang, shoving a half eaten bagel from last night into my mouth.

Gross I know, but damn it I was hungry. Mikey cocked his eyebrow at me. "You actually want to go to school?" he asked in confusion as I turned around with a blush so he could get dressed. "uh yeah?." I said like it was the most obvious thing ever. "why not?" "Because as soon as you get to school you know they'll be on your case." I didn't even have to ask to know who "they" were.

One of them being Mikey's very own brother. "I'm not sleeping with anyone Mikey." I snapped, a growl clear in my voice as I turned to face him again. He was just finishing pulling his shirt over his slim frame and I found myself blushing. again. "Except for me right?" he added, stepping closer to me with that same stupid smirk. "nope." I laughed. "Damn it Cam why not?" he whined, tugging on my hand a bit as I left his room, jogging over to the steps.

I stopped, turning around till our faves where almost touching. "Because you're a manwhore, and I'm saving myself for someone special." I giggled, mostly joking even though it was true. I didn't wait for his reply as I shoved him a bit before hoping onto the banister and sliding down it before gracefully landing on my feet. I ran into the kitchen, stealing Gerard's glass of orange juice off the table.

I assumed Mrs. Way was already at work seeing as the kitchen didn't hold it's usual aroma of amazing. to be honest I sometimes came over just to have her make me food. I smirked to

myself as I heard a thump signaling that Mikey had yet again tried to

mimic my actions and fell flat on his face.

I went back to sipping on my stolen orange juice when Gee walked in. I choked a bit, by eyes widening as I forced myself not to cough like mad and look like a complete idiot. I had always found Gerard attractive, but seeing him in front of me now- towel tightly wrapped around his waist and his raven hair dripping water onto his tones chest hit me like a frate train.

"I believe that's mine." he smirked, his gorgeous eyes dancing with amusement. "N-Not anymore." I laughed weakly, downing the rest of

the glass, mostly to keep from gaping. Gerard was also a member of the virginators. He had a very mysterious, bad-boy rocker vibe to him and it was quite obvious why he was so successful in their stupid little game.

The thing was, Gerard was even more of a man-whore than Mikey. At least Mikey bothered to learn their names before he bedded them. In all honesty if I had to choose someone to sleep with out of the four, it's probably be Gerard. That is if I wasn't completely in love with his brother. That's right. I am miserably, and uncontrollably in love with Mikey. It started when I was about twelve though I've always found him attractive even when we were really little.

He was my first "crush." I'm not a complete dumb ass though, and I know when enough is enough. Mikey Way would never love me. I used to believe he did, say freshman year but that soon vanished when he came to school one morning bragging about how good Sarah, head cheerleader and now the current slut of the school was. To say the least I was devastated and god knows how long I cried. Gerard was about to say something when Mikey finally stumbled into the kitchen.

"Gee she's not sleeping with you. She's my best friend so you can fuck off." he stated bluntly as he searched through the fridge. I groaned quietly to myself, blushing for the millionth time that morning. However, I didn't like how he said my best friend, like that somehow meant he got first dibs. Couldn't anyone go five minutes without bringing up my virginity? Damn Way Brothers...

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