Chapter one

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6 years ago..

"Are you sure?" "Yes, yes I'm sure."
"Ok then, give me the child."She placed the child down, underneath a cardboard box."There,now we need to leave. Now!" The lady got up."Ok,lets go."The other lady stood up,tilted her head, and turned to leave." Oh wait!" She reached in the pouch that was tied firmly around her waist. "I almost forgot." She pulled out a brown teddy bear, gigantic compared to the child's small frame."Take this where ever you go, and always remember, I love you and I WILL come back for you. I just have to-"She was suddenly cut off by a large rubbling sound."Lets go!" She blew a kiss to her baby girl,and stood up."Ok!" She ran over to the other women,dodging rocks and falling debris. Just as she made it over, she heard it. "Crr-ack" A branch had broken of of dead tree,falling and bringing rocks and other objects with it. The large pile of rocks and debris soon fell to the bottom landing on the box containing the baby. "Oh no, we have to-" There's no time!" The first lady looked serious, but obviously nervous about something."Thats my daughter, Bree!" Im sorry but we have to go!" Pulling the woman by the arm, the lady known as Bree, managed to get to a surprisingly well camouflaged jeep. The first lady got into the passengers seat,tears down her face, saying, "my baby" continuously. Then, they drove away, unknowing that the child they had just left was well alive,badly injured,but alive.

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