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He didn't expect Tony to be in the kitchen when he came up from the gym. He didnt expect Tony to even speak to him.

"Wonderlands." Tony said, his voice still raspy.

"The place where we get lost the place," Steve gestured to his raw hands. "Where we lose track of time. For me its the gym for you its the lab for Clint its the giant 'A' on the Avengers sign outside, for Natasha its in the living room watching movies."

Tony didnt respond instead grabbed a packet of ice from the fridge and put it in Steve's hand before heading to his bedroom.

The next morning Natasha was the one to hand Tony his coffee.

"Since when do you baby me?" Tony asked as he sipped his coffee.

"Don't get used to it princess."

Tony smiled. "I wasn't. What do you want Nat?"

"You and Steve need to figure your shit out or so help me god i will lock you two in a room in below zero weather, naked."

Tony spit out his coffee. "Alright Nat i-i'll do it before the end of next week happy?"

Nat smiled and took Tonys half empty coffee cup. "Yup."

Tony groaned. "Natasha where are you going with my coffee?"

"Come on baby you need to eat!" Natasha yelled from down the hall.

Jealousy (StevexTony)Where stories live. Discover now