Chapter 1 ...That Was Close

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I stepped off the train carefully without slipping on the crystallized icy street.

It's winter.
And I am in Ikkebukuro for the first time.

I didn't know they got snow here.
I've never known.

I never looked it up or asked my friends.
Well, my classmates.

I've always been the shy, quiet girl.
I never spoke out loud.
And if I did, it was rare.
I only spoke when I was asked my opinion.
And if I didn't know, I would just shrug and smile.

My problems are worse than what I hoped they'd be.

First it was my father leaving.
I was five so I didn't know what was going on.
I knew he left because he said he was sick of us and wasn't into the pay at his job.
But that was all.

Hey, at least he didn't say he didn't love me.

"Chu..!" I sneezed quietly and covered my mouth with my hands.

It's cold.
I really should get to my apartment.
All my stuff is there anyway.

I squeezed the strap on my bag and started walking towards my destination.

As much as I loved winter, I needed my jacket and scarf.
I had boot-cut jeans and a tank top on with my sneakers.

I didn't think it'd be cold so I didn't prepare for anything ahead of time.

Since I just moved here, I should get used to the weather and always keep a scarf with me.

I picked up the pace in the direction I needed to go.

Why is winter my favorite season?
...Because just the feeling of being wrapped up in warm clothes makes it feel just like the warmth of a hug.
Or maybe it's when your fingers get so cold that they feel warm and when you rinse them with hot water, it burns.
Or just seeing all the snow makes the world look so much more pure and white.
It's hard to explain but I just feel like winter is the season I'm most welcome in.

My birthday is in January.
Maybe that's why.
I don't know.

The feeling of being loved is my favorite.
And I guess winter makes me feel loved.
In a way.

Summer is my least favorite month.
It's too hot.
I have enough heat in my blood. I don't need to sweat for two months straight.
But, well, I guess it is good when you go to the beach and swim in the cold water after the hot sun beams on you for hours.

Aw jeez. Just listen to me.
I'm just blabbering on about seasons.

Anyway, I haven't introduced myself yet.
I'm Hime Inori.
19 years old and I'm an excellent baker✨
Not so good at sports, as in basketball or hockey, but awesome at martial arts and fighting.
I get angry easily but since I was never talked to in school, no one knows this.

My appearance?
I have long light brown hair and bright emerald green eyes.
My eyelashes are dark and easy to see without using any make up.
So I never put any on.
Just saying.

I usually wear jeans and a yellow-orange or light blue spaghetti strap top.

I like wearing colors, a lot.
But on cold days I'll usually wear black to stay warm.

Facts about me, uhm...
I'm fast.
When I fight, I use my legs, rarely ever my hands for punching.
Just kicking.
I'm good at dodging attacks and hits.
And I have incredibly fast reflexes.
So most of the time I was wanted on the dodgeball or soccer team.
I'm not popular.
Like, AT ALL.
I try to keep a low profile but still make differences.

Snowfall {Durarara Fanfic}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt