August 11, 2005

13 2 0

Dear Diary,
Emma caught me off guard again. She told me to go die and gave me a bottle of pills. She said they should help. She told me that if I told anybody about anything that happened she would kill me and my family.
I over heard Jayden, Emma's boyfriend, talking about what a slut I was with his friends. He said that I was a stalker and tried to steal him from Emma. He even claimed I tried to have more fun then is appropriate for our age with him in his own bed.
I started crying and of course Emma told everyone I was a baby. She trys so hard to mess me up, but why? She told her friends that I was a disgusting little qeer lesbo. She said that I had tried to take her from her boyfriend so they could have some fun in the school bathroom.
Mom thinks I'm on my phone too much so she took it from me. The problem is I'm only on it because Emma hates me and is always making me talk to her.
Mom told me that there is no point in me being alive if I never help around the house or cook or anything. Has she not noticed that everything is organized and we always have clean dishes? I sweep,mop, do the dishes, take out the trash, scrub, maybe it's because I don't cook enough? That's probably it.
Goid night,

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