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No, no, NO! Not now, he needs my help! 

My physical form jolts awake at the shock of actually seeing my poor Master in that much pain and turmoil. Sucking my being back into itself just has so much pressure on my corporeal form, that I can literally feel my chest caving in on itself.

He seemed so scared, oh, so scared! The poor thing! I-I can't just sit here! He's out there, in the middle of the street with God-knows-what happening to him. 

I scramble out of bed, nearly falling on my face in the process, as I've never gotten the hang of, you know, not getting cocooned in the blankets every night? My mind was clouded with no other thought than: 

"Oh God, I need to help Master!".

The thought never even crossed my mind that I should probably untangle myself from my duvet, and it was only when I actually tumbled down the stairs and nearly caught my collar on the banister did I think to stop and free myself.

"Manny!" I shout down the stairs frantically. 

Come on man, hurry up! We don't have much time!

 Five more stairs; hurry up! 

Four more, now three, 



Finally on the main floor! 

My legs seemed to be a blur as I stormed down the hallway to Master's studio, the iridescent blue ectoplasm pumping through my veins increased my aura's already fiery cornflower glow, pulsing with every rapid heartbeat. 

"Manny, for the love of God, get Evan and help me!" My virtually weightless body flew through the glass door of the studio and crashed into the heavy brass desk lamp  just beyond. Both men were sat on the couch, programming the last few electronics for Master's big party in a few nights to me off. Evan looked extremely concentrated, yet slightly depressed.

Poor thing, he's really upset that he had to leave the corporation. It was for the best, though. I couldn't stand to see him under so much stress like that, both physical and emotional. He was an experiment - it didn't work out - and for his service to the company, Alix allowed him into the house. He's definitely gonna work with us in the future. Whether as a producer, or doing features on future projects, we've made it clear that he never has to actually leave Resurrect.

The crashing of glass and equipment hardly even phased the older feline. Manny, however, jumps to his feet and rushed over in a frantic blur of confusion and annoyance. I hope the laptop and switch boards are okay; they took quite a hit after my dramatic entrance.

"The fuck is wrong with you, man?!" The larger of us two shouts down at me as he carefully picks up bits of torn extension cord and pieces of pale green safety glass. Even with his long dreads hanging in his face, you could just tell that his face was plastered over with annoyance and a sort of slight anger. I lean against one of the recording booths and run my fingers shakily through my hair.

Come on, we're wasting time!

"Manny," I start. The immortal finishes his task and turns around to face me, his dull, creamy white eyes evoking a sort of concern that I've only known that he can express. "Evan, please. We don't have much time..."

Evan approaches me silently and crouches in front of my crumpled form. Pawing gently at my ruffled, seemingly white-powdered, golden brown hair, his wide espresso eyes coaxing my story out of me. A soft sigh of exasperation escapes my chapped lips, and the words flow out to them, with quite a bit of resistance and the occasional flurry of concerned tears in their way. My aura flickers in anticipation with each minute I waste, causing my peer's anxiety levels to escalate as they begin to sense my desperation. 

Finally out, finally done with it.

Now to a more important matter

I steal a glance over at my Master's coworkers, former and current, and forced their attention to lock onto me. I don't like doing it, it means invading their minds and manipulating them for my own advantage; it just feels so wrong and controlling that I almost never do it, except in an emergency.  I'm pretty sure that this would be considered an emergency, though. 

¨Okay, please. We really need to go, NOW!" I started, levitating to my feet.  

"I saw him. I saw Alix.  He was lying in the middle of the street, a few blocks away. On Watt Drive, I think. He's so scared, you guys. Oh, so scared. We have to help him!" I frantically fall to the floor, my feet plastered to the rough carpet. Evan's tail curled protectively around his right leg, dragged his tongue over the back of his hand, and brought said hand up over his ears in an effort to calm himself. The poor thing, he'd never been in a situation like this. Or, maybe he has. I'm not sure. His testing took quite a toll on his memory, so even if he has been in a situation like this one, then none of us would ever know.

Gingerly, I crept up to him and raised a hand to gently pet that one patch of hair behind his ears. He loves that spot. It's usually how we calm him down in the spring, when he's gets a little wild in heat. Or, if I just want a little cuddle before bed. He's really good at cuddles, not as good as Master, of course.


I pull him into a quick hug, , then pull away and slap Manny on the back. 'Well, off we go then! We've got to bring my Master back home!" I spouted out as enthusiastically as I could, not wanting any more panic to take over our little kitty cat. 

Grabbing both of the older boy's hands in my own, I rush out of Alix's studio, through the broken glass door and down the winding flight of wooden stairs. Despite Evan's cries to "slow down!" and the sensation of Manny's ligaments uncomfortably straining beneath my grip, I pushed forward, fast as ever. Master was in danger, whether from external or internal forces, and I needed to save him.

I felt like an action movie hero. The strong, brave knight in shining armour rushing in to save his damsel in distress, the both of them confessing their love for each other despite the hell-storm only a meter away from our loving embrace. Though I'd rather stay Master's little damsel, the end scene seemed pretty desirable to me.

Come on Kev, let's not get ahead of ourselves; let's take this one scene at a time, alright? 

Sighing sadly, I pushed the pleasant thoughts from my head and carried on, now out in the street. The feline tore himself from my grip and bounded down the street, determined to get to our superior as quickly as possible. 

They really love each other. I'm almost a little jealous over how close they've gotten, to be honest. I've started to think that Alix resents me a little. He's starting to grow more and more distant; we would hug and cuddle a good most of the time, but something changed with him. He can hardly get within a few centimeters of me now without acting repulsed. 

It's quite funny in a way, he wasn't acting like that whenever he kissed my cheek or nibbled on my neck in some fairly public places. I guess I got a little to clingy or whatever, because he felt the need to, quite forcefully, shove it in my face that he only thinks of me as a pet,and that he was to be my Master. Which, I understand, but I just don't see how you can go from "just friends" to "just friends" and have such a huge change. I miss it. All the affection that he used to give me. I really wish that we could've stayed the same. Maybe we can grow to be like that again, after all, time can really change a person's attitude. I really hope we can. Hope's all I've got at this point.

With my mind filled with the sweet thoughts of what we once were, I continue my tireless journey. Evan's getting a little tired from running, but we can't stop now. Never. Who knows what kind of state he's in now?!

I'm coming Master, I promise. 

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