Episode 13: A Noble Cause

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Intro Music: Culture Code (feat. Karra) - Make Me Move


Tavin: Let's go guys!

They followed Tavin's trail, as they made their way on the battlefield. As for me and Dante, we continued fighting against the Reapers, with the helping hand of the newcomer.

Tavin: You guys need a hand?

Dante: What the hell took you guys so long?

No questions right now, focus on the fight.

Tanner: Right! Let's do this.

Dante: Never anytime for question, is there?

As we group resumed fighting, something came hovering above the battlefield. It was a huge, strange-looking ship. It was unlike anything that I or my friends had ever seen. Out of nowhere, the Reaper members jumped off the ship and landed in front of us. They dashed towards us, ready to attack.

Dante: Great...

Tanner: Just when I thought this would be easy...

Helena: There's way to many of them.

Honoka: What do we do now?

Trying to think, I noticed that the ship was still hovering over us. That's when I came up with an idea...even if it was to risky...

Cypress: Hey, Dante, I have an idea.

Dante: I'm listening.

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