A Little Bit Ninja

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Genre: Mystery/Thriller, Humor



Living in a world where the dance team is her kingdom, fashion her passion, and judo her secret pastime, Jade Wright’s life is as close to perfect as it can be without her mom to guide her through the perils of dating and Nordstrom sales—that is, until the day she is forced into a kidnapper’s car. In a matter of minutes the foundation of everything she thought she knew about her deceased mother is crumbling around her and threatening to take Jade down with it. What she doesn’t know could mean the end of her above average existence.

But things aren’t all bad. She has one week to figure out the truth before her new state of suckiness becomes permanent. Plus, her would be kidnapper is totally hotness personified.

When pitted against some of the most disturbing fashion setbacks from the eighties, current teenage celebrities, and gigantic hit men, the stakes are high and the danger extends to everybody she loves most.

Luckily, Jade happens to be a little bit ninja, and with the help of a boy who is immersed in the world of crime that she’s desperate to escape she just might be able to recover her life.


                A great story ♥ A story with a mixed action, humor and mystery. It’s really good.

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