Chapter 2

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Hey guys! I imagine Adel as lily Collins:) enjoy my lovelies! Buzz buzz. My phone vibrated on my vanity while I was doing my makeup. I flip over the annoying device and see I have a new message from Adel. Adel: hey you wanna meet up for some coffee at the cafe? Mmmmm coffee... Me: sure we still got like an hour before class:) I reply and continue with putting on small strokes of mascara. Adel: alrighty then. See u later alligator;).Adel is my best friend. We grew up together and tell each other everything. We're so alike... Except that she's a Christian and, well, I'm not exactly what you would call the religious type. She's always trying to get me to do that stuff and saying how God has a plan for me and all that religious jazz. I just don't get it. If there is a God, why would he create all this hate and pain in the world. Why would he take my mom away from me? If that's the kind of plan he has for me, then I'm really not into all this God stuff. It just doesn't make sense to me. I move on to my outfit and chose to wear: black jeans, a light purple blouse , and top it off with a cute black leather jacket. I go down stairs to see if my dad had left for work yet and find him sitting alone at the dinning room table putting salt on his scrambled eggs. " you're still here?" I ask the obvious question. " Yup. Dan called and said he doesn't need me till 9:30." He says then takes a bite of his appetizing eggs."Oh, well have a nice day work. I'm going to Karen's Cafe with Adel before school just to inform you." I say happily. " Alright sweetie. Have a great day at school." He says after swallowing a tasteful bite of his breakfast. "Will do. Love you daddy." I say before putting my black boots on and grabbing my bag. " I love you too serenity, stay out of trouble." He says with a smirk. " Yeah, cause I'm the kind that would get into trouble." I giggle. " well you know what they say,'good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." Then I burst into laughter not believing my dad just used a line from Five seconds of Summers song 'Good Girls'. " wow dad," I say giggling a little more," I taught you well" I say before heading out the door hearing my father laugh saying "seriously though!" Then I shut the door and I'm off. It's not until I'm at a red light at North Broadway and see the church that I remember all the eventful things from last nights dream. It was so realistic, I'm wondering if it means something. I can't help but picture the guy in the robe as Jesus. I don't know much about Jesus but I do remember my mother reading some scripture to me as a child. And how she always used to pray with me before I went to sleep. It's been so long I don't even remember how to pray. I don't know I'm crying until I catch a glimpse of myself in the Reid view mirror and see a strange, lost girl with a blotchy red face and puffy eyes. Man, what's gotten into me? I haven't cried since she died. I promised to be strong. Just as she was. ~•~ At the cafe~•~ "So how was your weekend?" Adel asks as then takes a sip of her java chip frappe. " Good, Good, yourself?" I ask expecting a 'great' or a 'okay' but am taken back when she answers with "honestly, pretty bad." She says with sadness written all over her face. "What? What's wrong del" I say her nickname hoping it would erase some of the uneasiness written on her beautiful face." My brother.." She says with tears welling up in her eyes which takes me by surprise because she rarely cries. The last time I saw her actually cry, was when we were seven and her goldfish died."what is it Dels?" I ask worriedly. " he's back in jail. I just don't know what to do anymore! He was almost killed! Him in his gang in L.A. Where fighting some other gang because I guess they were on their territory." She says still not allowing a tear to slide down her pale face." One of them shot his shoulder." She says still holding back tears which completely breaks my heart because I hate to see her like this." Then he tried fighting the cops when they found him, he tried fighting them away.They had to use a tazer to get him to stop fighting. The worst part is, they never even caught the other gang." As I'm taking this in I can't help but blame it on God for letting him get caught, for letting him join the gang in the first place, for getting shot and now look what's happening! He's going to prison!"oh my gosh! That's terrible! Is there anything I can do to help you through this? I'll do anything I just can't stand seeing you like this." I say sadly." There's not much you can do serenity. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to really see him again. Or have those long conversations with him at night, talking about how school was and our parents and everything. I should be thanking the lord right now. It could be much worse, he could've died! Honestly, serenity, I think the only thing we can do is pray." She says with a heart breaking look on her face. But honestly, is she kidding me?!? God was the reason he's in the place he's in right now! Yet she's thanking him?! Now wanting me to pray with her. I roll my eyes to this. " really Adel? You're thanking God? He allowed him to get in the place he's in! This is why I'm not a Christian, I just don't get it." I say hardly. I know I probably shouldn't be acting this way but she's being ridiculous. " I know you don't understand this and I'm willing to help you serenity! But I think you're being a bit unfair! God kept him safe! Don't you see?" She exclaims a bit frustrated. " yeah well he didn't keep my mother safe!" With that said I stand up and pull my bag over my shoulder, pick up my coffee and exit the small cafe. But before I leave I hear her whisper in a small voice. " seeing you like this, hurts worse than whatever happened to my brother." Then I am off to school in a bad mood. Sooooo thoughts on da chappy? Anyone? Hope all ya guys enjoyed it .I'm having a lovely time writing this:) I assure you guys it will make more sense soon so, please, bear with me. Have a fantastic day my cupcakes!

Believe (Teenage girl Christian story)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ