The Doctor Who Fandom

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Generation, after generation, Doctor Who has always been there to support our young children's imagination. Our fandom isn't only an obsession, it is a way of life. A weird, creepy, bloody awesome way of life. For God's sake, we even have our own name! Name, more like a religion really... But anyways, we are whovians, the best fandom out in the big universe! Whovians know how to deal with tight situations such as the bad wolf scenario, and we are poised at all times, waiting to find the next easter eggs. Our title is even in the bloody dictionary! Whovians can be anyone, from two to ninety-two! Whovians find everything wonderful, and are glad to know that there's a kind alien watching over them. We find joyness in everything, for example Peter Capaldi's eyebrows, or David Tennant's hair. We are one of the longest lasting fandoms, and we have an obsession of screaming random outbursts. From geronimo! To would you like like a jelly baby? To wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff! You can casually find whovians in any part of the universe, commonly wearing celery, playing the recorder, wrapped up in fashionable scarves, wearing converse, or casually wearing a bow tie and fez. We also normally sing songs in three ways. Doo, wee, and ooo. Before I leave you, just know this: Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't blink. Good luck.

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