Introducing the characters...

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Cassie Donovan
Age: 16
Episode introduced: Pilot
Favourite colour: pink
Supernatural entity: human
Blood type: B+
Cassie is the younger sister of Matt and Vicky. While she is very popular, she is very insecure. She has a crush on Tyler Lockwood, but doesn't like how he acts towards people.

Taylor Gilbert
Age: 17
Episode introduced: Pilot
Favourite colour: navy blue
Supernatural entity: doppelgänger/human
Blood type: A+
Taylor is the most innocent and naive of the Gilbert triplets. She is a doppelgänger and falls in love with mystic falls new student, Stefan Salvatore. But he has a shifty past that she doesn't know she wants to know about...

Bailey Gilbert
Age: 17
Episode introduced: Pilot
Favourite colour: dark red
Supernatural entity: doppelgänger/human
Blood type: A+
After her parents died, Bailey went on a downward spiral and often drunk until she blacked out. Her original personality was heightened and she went on a high that didn't dim until she met the Salvatore's. While Stefan, Elena and everyone else tried to keep her grounded, Damon understood what it was like to lose control.

Lucille Bennett
Age: 17
Favourite colour: dark purple
Episode introduced: Pilot
Supernatural entity: witch
Blood type: O-
Lucille is the sassy and fun sister of Bonnie. At first, when her grams says she's a witch, she doesn't believe it but as her powers develop so does her personality.

Bella Salvatore
Age: 160
Episode introduced: Pilot
Supernatural entity: vampire
Favourite colour: black
Blood type: vampire
Bella is the younger sister of Arthur, Damon and Stefan. She enjoys being the centre of their lives and is very jealous and can be unkind towards Elena and Katherine. However, she can be kind and considerate and free spirited towards those who earn it.

Arthur Salvatore
Age: 170
Episode introduced: Night of the Comet
Favourite colour: pale blue
Supernatural entity: vampire
Blood type: vampire
Arthur is the oldest Salvatore and a bit of a womaniser. However, he does not use compulsion in sex as he doesn't think it's right. He was best friends with Katherine and didn't have any romantic feelings towards her, despite what his sister Bella thinks.

Adrianna Forbes
Age: 17
Episode introduced: Pilot
Blood type: AB-
Supernatural entity: vampire hunter
Favourite colour: green
Adrianna is the quieter, less forceful twin sister of Caroline. After developing a strange urge to murder the two new boys with a stake, she will learn what her destiny is

Noelle Flemming
Age: 20 1/2 (forever 17)
Episode introduced: Isobel
Blood type: vampire
Supernatural entity: vampire
Favourite colour: grey
Noelle can be reckless, sure. But she's also a great friend. And killing buddy. Daughter of Isobel

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