Chapter 6

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AN:// This is going to be a very long chapter so sit back, relax and eat some FOOODD!!! XD alright enjoy!!! - EmoPanda & mr.snuffleupagus P.S Aron is very bipolar in this according too mr.snuffleupagus. P.P.S These bar's and restaurants and stuff are made up, I think...

           \\Aron's POV||
    These damned streets. Everyone knows everyone else's business as if it was their own. Damn people, I'll be happy to watch them all burn, and Danny? Well he'll be my favorite to watch go down along with the rest of Hollywood Undead.

   'The lil shit will probably try to turn me in. Then he'll realize the whole world including his wife, daughter and Hollywood Undead will know everything.' I sighed He is cute....ish'

(Uh huh suuuuuuure Deuce <.<)

    I coughed, 'If he had never said "Hey!!!" I'd be perfectly normal and straight! Damn fuxkboy.'  Yeah I'll admit it. I've been finding myself going to their concerts, and zoning out while staring at him. I just lean against the wall and watch blankly.

    'I only meant to scare the fuxk out of him. I can't believe myself, I'm so disappointed.' I leaned against the wall, next to a magazine stand and lit another cigarette. Sighing, I continued to think to myself as I just stood there.  The girl working the stand looked at me as my phone went off.

Fuckboy: Hello.......

Me:  What do you want?

Fuckboy: Where are you atm?

Me: Why?

Fuckboy: I need to speak with you....

'What the hell? What does he possibly want to talk about?'

Me: About what?

Fuckboy: Well I've decided that if you want this....I'll explain.

Me: Wtf?

Fuckboy: Just where are you God Dammit?!

Me: Lol meow. Coffee Shop on N.Main.

Fuckboy: Be there in 10.

||Danny's POV||
    I walked inside and Theresa tackled me into a hug. I smiled and hugged her back, deeply inhaling the smell of her perfume, her vanilla spice perfume. I hate it so much but right now I'm too happy too care. "Hey you." I said, smiling. "You're not allowed to leave." She said, semi-demanding. "Actually I was gonna buy a pizza." She looked at me and smiled as I said that.

    "I'll let you leave for that." She kissed me, and I pulled her closer. Her skin is always so warm. I pulled away and kissed her forehead. I then grabbed my wallet and snatched the car keys, and out of the house I was, smiling.

||Aron's POV||
    It was 20 minutes before he got here. I was just leaning against the wall, as his car pulled up and parked. He stepped out so I took one more puff of my cigarette then flicked it to the ground, then stepped on it and put it out. He looked at me and smiled weakly as if he was either petrified of me, or somethin' else. I just chuckled as he came over to stand next to me.

    "You alright there tiger?" I smiled as he looked at me. I swear to god it was the most adorable face, his cheeks puffed out.
"Okay seriously?! Why do you keep referencing me to a damn cat!?"

    I laughed. "Your attitude is why." He looked up at me like I was crazy or some shix. "What is it you wanted to talk about?" I spoke, and suddenly he looked so serious, then he swallowed hard. I've noticed he does that when he gets nervous, he swallows down nothing. He looked down and kicked a rock, he does that too when he's nervous. "Well...I wanna know something." He swallowed again. "And what's that?" I queried. "Well, uhm, why would you choose to m, uh, a way to 'get back' at me?"

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