Icey Wata -meeting jin-(IM SU BAD AT NAMING DX)

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"Hey Guys! Its FantaDrinksPepsi! and welcome to the Hypixel server! Today Im being joined by Aphmau! And what are we doing today?" I spoke into the mic. "We will be playing....The Blocking Dead! But...we arent alone, my bestfriend Jin will be joining us today!" She spoke. "Yay Im not forgotten" Jin said.

"Oh my god....NUUUU MAYDAY MAYDAY" I screamed as the plane crashed into the zombie infesed land. We walked out of the rubble and we had Fried chicken, guns and a shank! "Lets head off so we dont die" Jin said and we followed but suddenly....Jin died from a zombie. "NOOOOOOOOOO" Jin said and his Rage meter was off the charts. "Senpai...dont leave me" Aphmau fake whined. I chuckled and then we both died. "Oh god..." I said and face palmed. "Well! That was it for tis video! FantaDrinksPepsi Out!"
With that I exited the game and huggled my Eevee plushie. Ding Dong My doorbell rang and I opened the door to see my bestie, Jess/Aphmau! "Hi Jess" I said "Sup maytee, Want to go over and prank my friend Jin?" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. "Yusss, lemme get out of my panda onesie please" I said and headed to my room and put on my signature faded ripped jeans, my Doge hoodie, and my teal converse. "Ready!" I said and went downstairs. "What shall we do to him?" I asked and she smirked. "Lets just say ice water" she said and we headed off. We walked to his house because thats our form of transport. Aphmau chuckled and rung his doorbell. "Okay im coming" he said coming to the door to see Jess and I. "Hi Jess, Hi Kris, come in" he said and opened the door for us like a gentlemen. We walked in and he offered us to sit on his couch and we did so, "what brings you to my house" Jin said. "To hang out" Jess replied. "Well then chill here Im just going to grab something" Jin said heading to a door. He closed it behind him and Aphmau got a bowl, and some water put it at the top of the door and we waited. As he arrived he opened the door and he got soaked! We cracked up laughing at his face. He was shocked and I fell off the couch laughing. "Har har har good one"Jin said sarcasticly. "Now I have to wash all this up...thanks guys" Jin said and we walked out highfiving. As we reached my home Jess and I ordered pizza and we had a mini party with just the two of us.

(Never knew how bad at this I am xD)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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