Face to Face

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My boots pressed into the carpet as I snuck across the room, not making a sound. I watched him sleep, his chest rising and falling evenly, making sure he didn't stir as I searched for my lost equipment. Getting down on my knees I peered under the bed finding nothing, but a pair of socks. Rummaging around I checked underneath the nightstand and the ajoining dresser, coming up empty handed. Sighing I pushed myself up, coming face to face with the human.

"Looking for this." He held out the small pod, grasping it between three fingers. His face looked so confident, but his eyes were nervous.

"Yes." I spoke, startling him. Reaching out I took the orb, our fingers brushing, frightening him further.

"Jesus Christ." His voice was hushed, eyes focused on mine.

"I'm afraid not." I grinned, clipping the pod into place.

He smiled, his laugh breathy and riddled with anxiety. Brushing his hair back with a shakey hand he kept his eyes focused on me, his untrusting evident. "Your real."

"So are you." I couldn't contain my excitement, I returned the grin and rose to my feet, crawling onto the edge of his bed as he backed away. "I won't hurt you."

"That's what they always say."

"I promise." I held out my hand. "Zai."

He looked weary for a moment then took my hand. "Atreyu."

"You are... an incredible specimen." I reached out a hand, touching his warm cheek.

"Specimen? You just said you weren't going to hurt me." He dodged my touch.

"I promised." I smiled, trying to calm him. He was so beautiful.

"I found it. Yesterday. I think I nearly had a heart attack. I was hoping you would come back for it, I wanted to see you again." He rushed out suddenly. "I never stopped thinking about you."

"Well, thank you. For keeping it safe." I nodded.

We sat for a moment, curious of each other.

"I can't stay long, I have to go. I didn't want to have to do this to you again, even though it was thoroughly ineffective the first time. I have to do it, as a precaution. I hope you understand." I unclipped my second pod. "I'm afraid you may not remember anything this time."

"I won't tell anyone. I promise."
His eyes darted back and forth between me and the pod, a pleading look on his face.

"Tempting." I smiled. "But irresponsible."

"No, please!" He urged, moments to late.

His body fell limply onto the mattress, still half covered in a pale green sheet. After placing him in a more comfortable position I covered him up, exiting silently as I arrived.

7:27 AM

Tossing to my side I caught a glance at my alarm clock.

"Shit, shit, shit." I bolted upright and I felt my face pale. Man, didn't my head kill. "Jesus!" I held my forehead in my palm as I searched my nightstand for some Tylenol. Pristine and clean atop the contents of my nightstand sat a self addressed letter, my name scrawled in my own handwriting. Scowling I picked it up, turning it over this way and that before pulling out the single sheet of paper.

Dear Atreyu,
I know your probably wondering why you have a letter to yourself in your nightstand. I know this may sound crazy, but that dream you thought you had about the alien a few nights ago was no dream, it was real. Extraterrestrial beings exist. You may not have any proof any more, the small pod he dropped probably has been retrieved and that's why your reading this with a confused look on your face. I have written and hidden this in advance incase he does come back and tries to erase our memory again. If you don't believe yourself the pounding headache you have from the gas should be proof enough. Now get your ass out of bed and go to work!

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