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I had recently watched a lets play of Xenoblade. I ordered a copy online for £10. It apparently came with some concept art for Melia, but I just wanted the game. It arrived a week later, but the box was different. It was blank with the a light blue M plastered on the front. The back had a handwritten message on it.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't get the box, and the concept art is in the game itself. I deleted my save file because it was corrupted and it might be a bit glitchy (crashes, messed up animations, models not appearing for a few seconds) but it should be fine. Pro tip: keep Melia in the party, the game goes crazy otherwise."

"No big deal" I thought "I'm playing it for the story". Suddenly, I heard a sound come from the door. My mum was home (I was twelve at the time). "Hey mum. Xenoblade just came a few minutes ago. The box arts a little weird but the game looks fine." I called, the knowledge that she didn't care being quite present in my mind. "If the box is weird just play it on your wii just in case. Don't want your wii u breaking." She replied. I hummed in agreement.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2015 ⏰

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