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I watched the land zoom by as we flew. I'm not sure when but I eventually drifted off to sleep. The plane shook and my eyes opened. The windows were clouded with white.
"We're in a cloud." Felicity announced, as if I hadn't already figured that out. The clouds started to get gray. I was confused at first but then I said,
"Is it going to rain?" Felicia looked over at my window. Her brow furrowed.
"It's not supposed to rain... we're in Arizona..." she said. I noticed that the other window was clear skys. The plane started to take a sharp turn. It didn't stop. It kept turning and I could feel us falling. My stomach sank into my gut and Felicia's face was pale. We were falling. It was like all at once gravity had caught up with us. We were spinning and falling. People were screaming and crying but I couldnt even breathe. Suddenly these clear plastic face masks dropped. Felicia's eyes were plastered closed and her mouth was open, she wasn't screaming just trying to breathe. I grabbed at the air mask over her and put it on her mouth. I reached for mine and put it over my own face. It was only then that I noticed the searing pain in my ears. They were exploding or maybe they were falling off all together. I felt falling, the sensation of it, but it didn't feel real. My head felt like it weighed nothing and 100 pounds at the same time. My vision started getting black around the edges, and I drifted away into a deep sleep.
I woke up to my head crashing against the window I felt blood I tasted metal. We weren't falling through sky anymore we were falling through green. Suddenly we smacked into the earth and I was thrust upward, my seat belt dug into my legs. I couldn't draw in a breath, I fell back onto my chair. My head leaned over on my right shoulder and I saw Felica. She was slumped over in her chair, blood was dripping from her limp body. I felt like I was suffocating and my vision blurred before I blacked out again.

The Fall of Zone 4Where stories live. Discover now