27~ Alyssa -Rekindling the Broken Flames part 2

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Sorry I didn't post on Monday like I said I would!! The power went out at 8 on Monday morning and then didn't go back on until 10 o'clock Tuesday morning slash afternoon.

It is short so I'm sorry guys! =)



The door suddenly opened, a guy and girl walked out looking pretty wasted.  We side stepped them and made our way into the house. People were grinding up against each other to the music and others were drinking or making out.

We pushed through people till we got to the kitchen and saw Sam; he was in a group talking to people consisting of mostly guys. When he caught sight of us he waved us over and we went over to join him. I didn't know anyone there, obviously 'cause this was a college party and I don't live here.

Everyone talked while I stood there listening to the music in the back ground, I saw a guy in the corner of my eye staring at me and it was making me feel uncomfortable. I turned to look at him and froze when I saw who the guy was; I thought I would never see him again.  The guy noticed that I recognized him and smiled brightly at me, and then started making his way over to me. I started to panic a bit and went closer to Jayden's side.

He walked up and stood in front of me, Jayden of course never noticed a thing since he was talking to his friends, "Hey Alyssa it's been awhile since I've last seen you."

Not Edited!



part 2

He has grown since the last time I saw him, he was now at least six-three with dirty blonde hair that was in a mess down to his shoulders. He still had his lip piercing and the deep green eyes that could see right through you.

"Hey Nate," I said quietly. My heart beat sped up as he smiled and pulled me in for a hug. He was warm and had alcohol on his breath, but I completely melted at his touch, I last saw Nate was a year ago when he broke up with me. He pulled back and looked deeply at me, I smiled and shrank back into Jayden's side but Jayden was gone.

"So what are you doing all the way out here, inCalifornia?"

"I'm here on vacation from the cold, I am going home tomorrow."

"Awesome, we should catch up A. I missed you a lot," he smiled sweetly and I saw the truth behind his words in his eyes. "Come have a drink with me." He grabbed my hand and pulled me off to the kitchen where he got out two shot glasses and a bottle of some alcohol.

"Nate i don't know-" he cut me off with a wave of his hand.

"Come on, this isn't the A I know. We used to always do shots."

"Well Nate you have been gone for a year so yeah I changed. Besides why are you all trying to catch up, you are the one that dumped me?"

"I know and I'm sorry. I realized that I never should have broken up with you, I just thought I shouldn't stay with you when I was leaving for college." He looked down with a frown etched on his face. "I really wish for another shot."

"I'm sorry Nate but I have a boyfriend."

"You do?" Nate's gaze shot to me and studied my face for the truth.

"Yeah I am, he brought me here toCaliforniaand he is the guy I'm with at this party." Hurt flashed through Nate's eyes, I felt bad that I had to hurt him by saying I'm dating someone else now.

"Oh well that's good, can we still have that drink though?" Nate waved the bottle in the air and gave me a forced smile.

"Sure," I nodded and sat in the seat next to him. We just sat there and talked for god knows how long, while doing a few shots. I could feel the alcohol doing the work and myself becoming a bit drunk.

I still haven't seen Jayden around for at least half an hour, where could he be? Things grew silent between Nate and I, we sat listening to the blasting music from around us. Nate leaned in close to my ear, "Look at me Alyssa." His warm breath tickled my ear. I giggled and turned to face him, he was closer than I thought.

Slowly he started leaning in and his lips lightly brushed mine. I didn't know what I was thinking but I missed Nate's kisses. I slapped myself mentally, What am I doing I am dating Jayden!


Sorry it's short but I will be uploading son!!! =D

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(Editing 2nd) Love on Tour (Musical Romance Trilogy: Book 1) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now