Chapter 1

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(Italy's P.O.V)

Here I am, on my way back home from a world meeting that ended earlier than planned because Germany wasn't there. Probably got sick and chose to stay home, I hope Luddy is ok. But I'm sure he's fine right now I just can't wait to go home and see my lover Luciano~!

"Here's your stop" says the bus driver. I get up from my seat and carries my bag on my back "ve~ grazi for the ride bella~" gets off the bus and walks into my house quietly so I can surprise Luciano with my arrival.

I hear movement coming from our bedroom which makes me smile knowing that he was up so I walk up the stairs and slowly creep up to the door (which was slightly open by the way) and stop when I hear soft noises coming from in the room. I open the door all the way slowly and my eyes widen in shock at what I see.

(3rd person)

There on the bed were Luciano and Ludwig, both naked and sweaty and the room smelled of sweat and lust, Ludwig was on top of Luciano until the notices Feliciano at the door, staring at them making both of them sit up and cover themselves. "Feli...your home early..." Luciano claimed alittle nervously.

"Si well...the meeting ended early since Ludwig wasn't there" not even bothering to say his nickname he had for Germany.

"We thought maybe he was sick but it seems not..." Italy was choking on sobs he's trying to hold in. Ludwig stayed quiet and refuses to make eye contact with Italy

"Feli I-"Luciano was cut off by Feliciano running off. When they heard the front door slam shut Luciano ran after him feeling complete regret for what he had just did. When Luciano made it to the front door Feliciano was already in his car driving off the porch and leaving with Luciano calling for him to come back and yelling out apologies.

"She put him out like the burnin' end of a midnight cigarette

She broke his heart he spent his whole life tryin' to forget"

After a few miles away from the house Feliciano was still driving tear slowly breaking free and falling down his face. He was heartbroken, and is in far too much pain to ever be able to go back from where he was but he didn't know where else to go until his phone started ringing.

"v-ve~ ciao?" Italy said while wiping away his tears and driving.

"Yo! Italy dude it's America what's up dude?!" America's voice replied back threw the phone.

"I'm not in the mood to talk right n-now America what is it you wanted me for?" He said half-heartedly. America was surprised by the tone, America thought Italy was always the happy-go-lucky kind of guy.

"Whoa ok geez! Calm down dude! Anyways I was just callin' to say that you forgot somethin' here and wanted to see if ya wanted to hang out or somethin'!" Italy was obviously not wanting to go but he didn't have anywhere else he can go so he went on ahead and agreed.

"Fine....I'll be there in about a few hours or so...I'm gonna go on and go to the airport now" Italy said.

"Awesome! I'll see you then and don't worry dude I'll come pick you up there but texted me for whenever you land ok bro?!" America said excitedly.

"" Italy said before hanging up and stared heading off to the airport and getting a ticket to go straight to America.

---- (Time Skip~) ----

America was waiting for Italy at the airport. When he sees Italy he calls out for him. "Yo feli dude! Over here!" Italy sees him and gives America a fake smile and a wave while walking up to him. "Ve~ ciao America!"

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