Wolves week(day three)

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I sat over Hayley's seemed to be lifeless body waiting for her to awake. When I heard her stir my head snap round and I was by her side in seconds. I helped her sit up slowly. "Hey how are you felling".

"What are you doing you need to get out of her there are to many". She said in a panic training to get up really fast. I pinned her down. "Hayley calm down its okay there gone, your in your room". She rubbed her eyes a couple of times before she noticed where she was. "How did I get here?" She said sleepily. "I carried you, you where out cold". I released her and sat at the end of the bed. "What happened?"

"Well I was in the mountains looking for the pack when I heard you howl. I rushed to see you and you where lying on the ground surrounded by vampires. The pack was no where in sight and I just sprung into action placing my self between you and them. They attacked me and I attacked back howling when I could for the pack. I tried to bite them as many times as possible and soon the whole pack was upon them. Every one joining in, I had manage to bite all three by the time they got here so they where pretty injured so they ran. Then I carried you back to the jeep on my back. Everyone put their necklace back on but we left yours off knowing you would heal quicker in wolf form. We only put it back on you this morning".

"Thanks I thought I was a goner for a sec their. Anyway how long have I been out for?"

"A day and a bit".

"What I've missed a night of wolves night aww. Dose Ashley and Diego know about this?"

"Davina told Ashley what happened and she told Diego you where sick and couldn't see anyone for a day or two".

"Why didn't you just tell them". I looked down trying not to make eye contact with her as I was a bit embarrass that I hadn't left her side since the attack. "You haven't bee to school have you, you have sat with me this whole time". She said sounding thankful and slightly surprised I would do that. Which I don't no why she was surprised she knows that I would always look after here. "You sound surprised why?" I asked. "I'm not surprised it's just you have been really distant lately what's up".

"Nothing I swear I just need a little space".

"You mean alone time with Ashley". She wiggled one eyebrow at me. "Ew, no were just good friends".

"Yeah, yeah I believe you". I rolled my eyes not wanting to argue back. I noticed that her eyelids looked heavy again. "Your tied you should get some sleep". She nodded and I got up to leave the room but she grabbed my hand and dragged me back. I curled up behind her rapping my hands carefully around her waist. Hoping nothing had change since she started going out with Diego. Thankfully she didn't seem to mined and I was happy that we still seemed to be close friends at least. Soon I was fast asleep also.

When I opened my eyes Hayley was gone. The shower was running and the steam was flooding in through the gap in the door and into the room making it misty. I sat up rubbing my eyes realising that when Hayley felt better I was meant to tell her mother so she could call a meeting. My eyes caught a shadow through the gap in the door. Even though the shower curtain was drawn I could still see the outline of Hayley's back. I couldn't help my self from staring. I managed to pull my eyes away where there was a light nock at the door. I stood up to answer it.

"Hey is she okay?" It was Davina. I slipped out of the door closing it behind me. "Yea I think so she's just in the shower". I smiled slightly felling my cheeks flush a little red. She raised and eyebrow at me but let the matter slide. "Anyway I have to tell your mother she is felling better see you later". She nodded and I rushed down the stairs. I passed Monique on the way. "Hey have you seen your mother?"

"Yea she's in the kitchen".

"Thanks". I raced into the kitchen. "Hey Mrs Jade Hayley is felling better".

"Hellos Dimitri thanks you for letting me know, I will hold a meeting soon. Do me a favour please let everyone no there's a meeting at half twelve".

"Yes madam".

"Oh and Dimitri please call me Genevieve".

I nodded and rushed round the house telling every one about the meeting and for the them to pass it on. I rushed back up the stairs to Hayley's room. I pushed open the door and walked in the room. "Hey Hay are you felling better?"

"Ye thanks, and thanks for coming to my rescue".

"Your welcome, your mother wants us all down stairs at the table in half an hour".

"Okay who told you that?"

"She did she asked me to tell her when you where felling better so she could call the meeting".

"Really, wow what did you do to catch her attention?"

"Erm I saved her daughters life duh!"

"Haha". We both laughed.

The meeting was held at exactly half twelve. Everyone gathered round the table there was uproar, fists where banging on the table and people where shouting. Hayley was the last on to join us round the table. She had a hand on her head she looked frustrated. "Shut up!" She screamed so loud I had to cover my ears. Everyone went silent. Hayley stood for a second before almost falling to the floor. I rushed over and caught her just before she hit the floor. "Are you sure your okay?"

"I will be fine I just have a headache".

I helped her to a chair and sat down in the one next to her. Her mother nodded her head at me as a thank you. I smiled back. We sat and listened for a whole hour. We where all made to be on high alert for any singes of vampire. We where under strict orders to be carful when running in the woods and we had to try and draw as little attention to our selves as possible. After a serious pack talk me and Hayley went down to the beach whit the rest of the pack apart from the adults and the six siblings. Everyone had been getting on and they all seemed to be warming up to me since I had accidentally got into Hayley's parents good books.

Everyone went swimming as a means to cool down. I sat with Hayley on the beach. We sat licking our own made ice pops that we had just made out of water. I made sure she ate something before we headed out. We where only allowed to go because Gia, Rae, Luka and, Seizer where coming to. Hayley stud up and I grabbed her wrist. "Where are you going?"

"Swimming are you coming?"

"No and neither are you miss".

"Please Dimitri I'm bored sat here and you can always come with me".

"Okay". I reluctantly agreed wanting to go and cool of my self and pulse the image of Hayley in her bikini is kinda irresistible. We jogged down to the shore line and into the water. Me and Hayley swam with the fish for a while and too soon it was time to leave.

At home everyone changed into more suitable clothes for wolves night. Hayley had been advised to stay at home but she wasn't having any of it. When dusk came everyone was already in the jeep and we where on our way. We parked in a different spot each time we came to make sure we where less noticeable and each time we would run a different track in the mountains.

Me and Hayley where running behind the pack chatting away. She looked happy to be running again and it felt good to run with the pack instead of by my self. I did love to run and running at night was better as it was cool all though I preferred to run in the snow. We where running all night and we found a vampire from the other night but apart from that there was no sings of living ones. The sun was starting to rise so we all headed back to the jeep. Tomorrow we would be back at school so it was and early  night for me and Hayley.

At home Hayley was a bit unsettled so I said I would stay with until she fell asleep but I ended up falling asleep first.

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